What is a good source to find out what new albums are coming out weekly. I know Apple Music has a new tab but albums on there are very limited.
This may or may not be quite what you're looking for, but for myself I peruse the 'Pre-Orders' tab/section of iTunes to see what is coming out in the near future for upcoming releases. If I come across an artist or group that for whatever reason piques my interest I'll click on that link to see what type of genre iTunes has put that artist in, and the release date for it, and also to see if there are any tracks available for playing back as a sample, or if said tracks can be purchased. As well, I also click on the 'Related' tab for that artist/group if I'm not familiar with them to see what else they may have, and I'll check out their other releases to see if they're somebody I might be interested in adding to my collection. I usually do this once a week or so. On the occasions where I've missed a new release by an artist that I already like and have music from, iTunes has a 'New from Your Artists' tab that lists the most recent releases from artists that you've purchased prior content from on iTunes to help fill in the blanks.