What happened? Jailbroke, but no cydia/installer?!?


Jun 28, 2008
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I just JB my 3G from JB 2.2 to JB 2.2.1, preserve baseband on my aluminum macbook, using a USB 2.0 hub as a bridge. It seemed to have gone well, and when I start it up, I get the pineapple logo, despite having unchecked it. everything is working fine, except there is no cydia or installer icon, and a number of my app store apps, which synced according to iTunes, don't show up, either. I'm really confused, and could use some sage advice.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2008
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You say you were jailbroken before. Did you have the JB app "Categories" installed by any chance? And was Cydia in a folder? And did you restore from backup after re-jailbreaking? I believe the hidden attribute the Categories uses to conceal apps from the springboard is preserved when you do a restore. Cydia and all of your other missing apps are probably there, just hidden from view.

I had this problem after re-jailbreaking from 2.2 to 2.2.1, and unfortunately the only way I could find to resolve it was to wipe my iPhone clean -set it up as a "new phone" in iTunes after JB'ing again.


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Mar 5, 2009
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After JB Cydia and Installer are missing

I'm having some problems JBing my G3. First, it went into an endless restart. I restored it, and fixed the problem running the script that reinstalls some OSX 10.5.5 stuff. Then I JB again with Quickpwn. Everything seems to be ok, I even get a pineapple logo at restart, but Cydia and Installer are not there. I've tried restoring the iPhone as a new one (with version 2.2.1) and, before installing any 3rd party apps, JBing it again. Everything goes fine, but they're still missing. I've tried on 2 different macs (2007 MBP and a PWM G4 MDD), and on different USB ports, and I get the same result. I've read that some people fixed it setting and unsetting the restrictions in the iPhone, but I still don't get anything.

Any other ideas?