I am talking about within a couple of minutes. They only reload when it goes out of memory. My macbook pro has 16GB of ram and I have multiple tabs of safari open. They do not reload. I urge you to look into why your desktop is reloading pages. On my Note 5, I can go in and out of apps without them reloading, including websites when I have to look something up. Yes they will reload eventually but not within a couple of minutes. On my 6Plus, I had that happen all the time when I went and looked something up and then came back and had my long Tapatalk answer gone. It was annoying and it shouldn't have happened.
Some are asserting that we do not need this yet why is Apple doing so by cutting into their profits? Some are saying that Apple doesn't advertise RAM, fine. Why now though? Because they recognize it is an issue. I am not talking about any Android Vs. Apple nonsense; I switch between both all the time. I'm talking about loss of productivity and the smoothness of the OS.
As mobile capabilities improve we need more short-term space. Apple has done a fantastic job in efficiently handling iOS until now but it cannot keep running on 1 GB. The OS is just getting too advanced. The games are getting too advanced. Apps are getting too advanced. Apple is finally moving into multitasking and editing high quality photos and video on the go. That is a good thing but software cannot improve if the hardware is limited.
I am not making it into a platform war. I am just warning that although Apple makes a helluva product, they are including 2GB of ram because iOS NEEDS it.
The iPhone 6 Plus hardware costs 242 dollars(
Forbes Welcome) with ram costing $5.