I was messing with a friends Verizon iPhone 4S and noticed (compared to my AT&T 4S) pressing the home button seems to be more responsive. When exiting an app I basically rocket back to the home screen.
INormal wear and tear.
I'm pretty sure responsiveness of the home button has nothing to do with the carrier. Normal wear and tear.
Between the gsm and cdma models they are made differently because of the radios
Between the gsm and cdma models they are made differently because of the radios
Most iPhone 4 users if you were to ask. have worn their home button out, or start to have issues with it... I have seen this recently before their upgrades... It comes with usage. No other tech specs make up the answer...
You do have the ability to go tho settings>accessibility and there are Home Button settings that you might look at to make your home button more responsive.