Upgrading 2011(Late) Macbook pro Hardrive to SSD


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Jan 20, 2014
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Based off the title I'm trying to upgrade my hardrive to and SSD. I was told that this upgrade will give me computer a slight boost in performance as over the years it has slowed down a bit. My question is if I'm going to install this drive that im looking at on amazon , " http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-2-5-Inch-Internal-MZ-75E250B-AM/dp/B00OAJ412U/ref=zg_bs_1292116011_1" What exactly will I need as far as tools and will it be as simple as removing my current hardrive and inserting this one? I've done simple things like change ram and the battery but i've never had to change a hardrive before. And sorry if this question already exists elsewhere as I wasnt able to fine any direct info about my question.


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Feb 28, 2015
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It is very easy, I changed mine out to an Samsung Evo 500gb SSD. Huge improvement!! Just take all the screws out from the bottom and take note where the long ones go back. Then unscrew the screws holding down the hard drive brackets then unplug HD and plug in new one. Only thing I did to prepare was had a friend put my new SSD in to a cradle and copy my original disk drive so when I installed it it was like I never left. Basically mirrored my existing HD to the new SSD so it was identical. Just turned it on and it was like I never changed HD but it booted in like 5 seconds!! Fastest lap top I have ever owned!! Boots in 5 seconds and shuts down in 5 seconds. Programs run so fast its unreal! Very easy thing to do. pretty much plug in play if you prep the new SSD with your existing one. If you can't do that then you will have to download the OS on the new drive after it is installed but I can not help on that procedure. I hope I was able to lead you in the right direction.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2010
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I use SuperDuper to clone drives. I did this for swapping drives just like this and as a regular backup.

Agree that the swap really improved performance.

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