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TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

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Jul 28, 2008
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I would love to have the 3G S for the video, speed and voice controls (great for use while driving) and more important, my wife would love it even more and she is the one who would be using it!

Thanks TiPB!!!


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Jun 18, 2009
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Im a total tech junkie, i love innovative ideas, which is why i went and bought a blackberry storm last november with the clicking touch screen. i was under the impression that the phone would be getting applications to rival the iphone apps but better since the screen can be used for things the iphone screen couldn't...but sadly they havnt come, even with the release of app world; all that they have given us are low quality high cost apps. I would love to make the jump to the apple ship for the 3GS with the help of the iphoneblog so i can finally have what i should have gotten in the first place. an iphone.


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Jun 18, 2009
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I Want To Win A New Iphone

I have been absolutely amazed by the creation of the iphone since it came out. I am never one to buy the latest product until it improves. But the reason I want an iphone is the fact that I can carry and ipod and a cellular phone together. In addition to that I can also use the internet at all times which can help a poor and busy graduate student seeking employment.


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Mar 1, 2009
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To be honest I dont really want to upgrade, for myself that is. I would LOVE to give my Dad this as a (late) Fathers Day gift. Every time he visits me, the wife and kids he is always sure to rifle through my 3G iPhone and see what the latest Apps and such are. He is absolutely fascinated with the tremendous amount of apps that could make his life so much easier. Only thing is, he isnt going to get one. He is lazy like that. What a suprise it would be to give him one! Then he'll have his own to rifle through! Lol.


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Jun 17, 2009
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the speed! and the ability to be able to record all supported by apple like jailbreaking was fun but to have it official by apple makes it better to me



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Oct 5, 2008
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I want the 3GS because it has video recording, is almost twice as fast, and just because the feeling of having the latest and greatest is pretty dang good.


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Jun 18, 2009
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why would I like to upgrade

the reason I want to upgrade is because I have 4,00 songs and can't fit them on my 16GB iPhone 3G.
I love music and it's my passion. I want all my music on my phone. I also want to upgrade because am not eligable for an upgrade yet and I cracked my screen when I was skateboarding, and the processing power of the new iPhone 3GS is breath taking. I also want to video tape me and my friends skateboarding and upload it directly to YouTube. all if this would be amazing.
that is why I'd like to get an iPhone 3GS. :)


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Apr 24, 2009
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So I sold my iPhone 2G right after I bought my 3G on craiglist. Woke up literally the day of WWDC and found out some friends had put a gigantic scratch in the screen halfway up from the bottom and right in the middle (don't ask me it was Panama City). So I HAVE to have this 3Gs otherwise I'll be known as the dork with the scratched screen and no money to buy a 3Gs.


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Jun 18, 2009
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I'd like to upgrade because my current iPhone is just about a year old and rather than have it get too attached to me, I think it's better to cut the cord now before things get even more serious.


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Jun 9, 2009
Why iPhone 3G S?

i started my smartphone madness with the Palm Treo 700P. and while i liked the device, it was bulky and didn't have any sort of 'push' email. and i HATED the antenna that stuck out!

so due to a nice sale, i upgraded to the BlackBerry Curve 8330. it has been a great phone. but as it approaches it's 2-year birthday i have noticed the battery not holding it's charge any longer, it's lagging miserably, and it just doesn't have the browser and applications that i'm looking for. :(

enter the iPhone 3G S. i've been doing my research on iPhones for nearly 6 months straight. and TiPb (and it's members) has been a GREAT source of info for me! i was all ready to make the switch (with some reservation) to AT&T from Verizon. but after announcing the release of the 3G S, i have ZERO reservations. i rarely make calls anymore, so the fact that AT&T's cellular service is mediocre at best is of little concern to me.

so i am getting my 1st ever iPhone (the 3G S) on August 1st. the same day my Verizon contract expires. i plan on going big and getting the 32gb black version. :D figure i'll keep the 3G S for at LEAST 2 years since it's such a fast and reliable smartphone. i'd LOVE to win this contest and thanks for the opportunity!


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Jun 18, 2009
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A silhouetted figure walks onto the cliff, looking down below at the masses,

"I come from a far away land!"

A loud voice echo's and a bolt of lightning fly's across the sky!!!! Only to light the side of this mysterious figures face for a moment. Showing the woe and distress upon him.

"Crackberry.com" he bellowed.

The crowd of people hushed and began to stare at him with gazing eyes. Murmurs begin to ripple forth through the crowded masses.

"did he just say?...."
"oh my gosh... he better of not said?"
"does he know he's in the wrong place?"

"But wait my fellow iphone friends!"
The character upon the cliff lowers his head in a pondering fashion.

"Don't fear me, I don't come to bring bad news, I come tell a story"

"One of lust, betrayal, love , hate...."

As the dimly figure sat down and began to convey his story.
Looking upon every one of the on lookers eyes. You could see from the amazing different arrays of expressions, this was not a story for the faint of heart. This was a story of challenges, dreams, and hopes that were yearning to be filled.

But as the dark silhouetted figure slowed to a crawl in speech, you could see a single tear roll down his cheek. You knew at that moment his tale of sorrow was at an end. He finished on one last note......

"and that is why i need an iphone 3g s"

(p.s. even if i don't win, thanks for listening :p. Also i'll apologize in advance for my terrible grammar and spelling skills)


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Jun 18, 2009
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Size & Speed

Simply two words: Size & Speed.

Purchased the original iPhone just weeks after it was released. Did not upgrade to 3G knowing something spectacular would be arriving this summer.

While I still love my 2G iPhone as much as the day I got it, it does struggle with many of the web apps I attempt to use on it daily (Fever, for one). The prospect of the speed increases 3Gs promises is too much to pass up this time around. Plus, EDGE is a complete joke ? utterly unusable, so looking forward to 3G cellular and beyond for sure.

And now with over-the-air video downloads, 4x the memory of my original 2G iPhone is really going to come in handy.

Wow, after writing this, now I really need that iPhone 3G s!!

Thanks for the opportunity!


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Jun 18, 2009
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I would love to upgrade to the new Iphone 3G S so that I could give my first gen Iphone to my dad for Fathers day, making him happy and making another Apple convert in the process!


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Jun 18, 2009
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Why do I want the free iPhone 3Gs?

For some time now I've had an idea to create a video installation using iPhones as a commentary on how we experience media. I'm a filmmaker and co-founder of a nonprofit media arts organization in Richmond, VA and we host the annual James River Film Festival as well as regular screenings of independent, avant garde, and experimental films throughout the year. Because we gather people together to watch films (believing there's something special about getting people together, you know, "the shared experience"), I think a lot about the role of media. I've been interested for some time in this relatively new, personal media experience. I'm also a bit of a tech head -- musician, filmmaker, and Apple user since the late-80s. Anyway, some time back I had this idea to create a big screen out of many iPhones and have an installation that simulates a movie theatre experience, except you could approach the screen and pull off any one of the iPhones (on a tether like in Apple stores) to view up close the tiny rectangular section of the big screen or tap the screen ala Google maps to zoom out to watch the entire image of the movie in your palm. When returned to it's place in the big screen it would automatically reorient itself (probably on some timer) to its place as a part of the larger image. Now that the iPhone 3Gs has video recording capabilities the entire project could be conceived via the iPhone. On top of that, it'd be fun to finally have one for use organizing home life (we have two kids), work and the media arts nonprofit stuff. (My wife and I have been locked into another 2 year contract -- expires in September -- which is why we've held off getting iPhones. That said, she just got hers a bit early because her other phone died and we decided that she would try it out first before we both switch to AT&T and get them. Overall, she's been pleased with AT&T and, of course, loves the iPhone.) There you have it.


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Feb 19, 2009
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Main reason

More processing power and RAM combined with refined optimized software. The iPhone is most elegant... but with these treats, it shall be outstanding elegant!
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