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Sync problems with devices and desktop.


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Mar 19, 2013
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Hello, and hope someone can help with my sync issue. I updated our devices to 6.1.2 about a month ago, and I'm not sure if my problems are a result of the update.

2007 iMac Desktop - iTunes 11.0.2, OS 10.7.5

iPhone 5, iPhone 4, and iPad 2 - all on iOS 6.1.2 (just updated the ipad a week ago)

I haven't paid too much attention in the past, but I know if I'm we're out taking pics with both phones, or we bookmark a site, we'll see the pics and/or the new bookmark on the desktop and ipad when we return home. For some reason, this is no longer the case.

Pics on the iPhone 4 and 5 do not show up on each other; pics taken on the iPhone 4 do not show up on the desktop; Pics taken on the iPhone 5 show up on my desktop. This has not always been the case, so I'm not sure why/how this began...not sure if it's strictly a Photo Stream issue or setting problem.

I've also started having issues with bookmarks as well. If I create a bookmark on my desktop, it does not show up on any other device and vice versa.

Finally, I'm also having issues streaming a video from any of the above equipment to my TV via Apple TV. I used to be able to bring up a video clip on any of the devices, and show it on Apple TV, but I've noticed the little square with the arrow emblem is no longer available.

Any assistance with any of the above issues is appreciated. I'm new to this site, and this is my first post. If any of these issues need to be parsed out and put into another forum topic, please let me know.



Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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In regard to your i-devices & iMac, try rebooting all of your devices and see if that helps. If not, make sure they are all configured with the same iCloud Apple ID and go to Setting-iCloud and make sure that everything you want to sync is turned ON. On the iMac, go to your system preferences-iCloud and do the same. If the settings on all devices are already configured the same, try deleting the iCloud account on all devices and then re-configure it. Your data will not be lost and should re-sync to your devices, but to be on the safe side, do both an iCloud and an iTunes backup of your i-devices. As for your Apple TV, I don't have one so I'll refrain from offering any advice and wait for someone else to chime in.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
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Okay, thanks. I'll will give that a try. You made an interesting comment regarding "the same iCloud Apple ID". My wife always had her own iCloud Apple ID, but my ID was the "primary" on her devices, which is the iPad 2 and the iPhone 4. Under that scenario, she could see my email Inbox and hers on her iPad 2. No problem with her seeing my mail, but sometimes she would delete important emails that I hadn't read yet, so I made her iCloud acct primary on her iPad 2. She gets her own mail, etc., but since my acct is the true overall primary acct, maybe that has something to do with this syncing issue. If I have to revert back to the previous set up, I will do so....tks.

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