Swiping keyboard apps for iPhone


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Sep 30, 2015
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I've moved from Android to iPhone with the 6s Plus. I've been using swiping on my phone for over 4 years. To go back to typing is a pain. Therefore, I've been looking for a good swiping keyboard app for my iPhone. So far I've tried out 4 apps and have found one that I will stick with for the time being unless I find something better.

My primary criterion for choosing the one I did was that I didn't want to change how I swiped. With 3 of the apps, I was not able to swipe the way I was used to doing on my Note 2. My thoughts are below.


I swiped the following comments on 4 different swiping apps on my new iPhone 6s Plus. This is my first iPhone. I have been an Android user for 6 or 7 years. I've been using swipe for at least 4 years when I text. I hated the thought of losing that capability when I switched to an iPhone. Therefore, I read reviews and decided to try several of the apps.

I had used Swift Key and TouchPal on my Galaxy Note 2, so was somewhat familiar with them both. On that phone, I just used the stock Samsung keyboard or the Google keyboard.

I wrote a few sentences with each of the keyboards on my iPhone and the examples are shown below, enclosed in quotes. Mistakes are left in and corrected between parentheses. General comments follow each.

TouchPal (the mistakes on this one are more mine than the keyboard):
"This is a test of the Touch Pal keyboard. It dropped (swipes) similar to what I am use to on mug (my) Android phone."

UltimateKey Brilliant keyboard:
?Thus (this) is a test of the Ultimate Brilliant keyboard. it (It) often suggests stand (strange) wire (words) and dies (does) nit (not) automatically capitslize (capitalize) letters at the beginning if (of) a sentence.?

Swift Key:
?This is (the) start of the Swift Key keyboard. Iris (I used it) for awhile (a while) on my Android phone. It automatically adds a space at the end of each word. But sometimes it will conflate two words into ants (a single) one.?

? this (This) is a test if (of) the telephone [Typiora] keyboard. This one has store (some) interesting frau (features) but is too emma (???) top (to) do somethin g (something) weird with it. If yo (you) don't add a socratic (space) after a word, icu (it) seems like it set (stops) sweeping (working) or just gets confused.?

Note on Typiora?the mistake of ?telephone? was on me. I evidently misspelled the word. I later tried swiping ?Typiora? on the Typiora keyboard and it worked just fine. I don?t remember what I was trying to say when ?emma? came out.


Bottom line--I'm using TouchPal for now and deleting the other 3. They were way to maddening for me to use.

If any other former Android user has come across a good swiping app for the iPhone, I'm listening!



Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
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Thanks for the reviews. I've never been one to use other keyboards, and I feel like most iPhones users just type. Swipe-like keyboards seems to be very popular with the Android community, however.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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I use and like SwiftKey. One of the smartest predictable thirdparty keyboards I've ever used on iOS....It works for ME


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2013
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I've used Swype on my Android phones and on my iPhone 6 Plus. The Swype keyboard on iOS still hasn't been updated to show the special characters on the letter keys, but the special characters are still there. It works well for my needs.


Oct 2, 2013
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SwiftKey is my favorite and default keyboard. I deleted the stock keyboard. Keyboards on iOS won't be the same as those on Android. SwiftKey for example, is different on iOS than on Android. So you can't judge by what you used on Android.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
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I use SwiftKey permanently everyday. I love it. Its so easy to just use 1 finger and move it around the keyboard and words magically appear. Love it

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