So I finally bought an IPAD...


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Aug 14, 2015
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Hello everyone!

I am mainly an Android guy, with a little bit of Windows phone sprinkled in. :laughing: After resisting for a number of years, I finally bought an IPAD Air 2 to try out iOS. This is my second tablet. My first tablet was the Nexus 7 (2012). Because of the terrible NAND flash Asus put in it, it is pretty much a paperweight now (well, with LL anyways)... I thought I would write a bit about some of the things that jumped out at me while using the IPAD and see if anyone has had a similar/different experience.

To be honest, I expected I would find the IPAD terrible to use, and was expecting a very difficult period of adjusting to it. To my surprise, I wasn't too impressed by it, nor was I disappointed. It was like, you know, a bit different to use, but on the whole, it doesn't really feel very different from using my N7. Granted, my N7 is old and cheap, and is slower than a sloth with LL, but going back to JB, it feels just as smooth as the IPAD. The transitions on iOS look smoother, but other than that, not too much of a difference.

The notifications menu/area definitely is pretty basic on iOS and android does a much better job of it in my opinion, at least in terms of flexibility and some features, e.g. replying right from the notification, etc. I really like the fingerprint reader though and really wish my Moto X had one... I've tried out the fingerprint reader on the Samsung GS6, and it was pretty frustrating. Apple's fingerprint reader works flawlessly and works EVERYTIME...

As far as the UI goes, iOS doesn't look too bad. I like that there is greater consistency of the UI across all the apps. Sometimes, you will come across an app on Android that just looks completely out of place. It has gotten better with LL, but I don't think it is quite up there with iOS yet.

Siri is alright, haven't really used it too much. Google Now is pretty awesome and very useful in my experience. I haven't used Siri enough to really make a fair comparison. Out of the three major personal assistants though, I really like Cortana. It just felt "nicer" to use that Now and Siri.

The only thing that annoys the heck out of me is the issue of the file system. Not being able to manage the file system like I was able to in Android is driving me CRAZY. :( A lot of my friends always told me that they prefer their IPAD to android tablets, because "it just works." I guess that depends on your expectations though. For me managing the file system and having access to it, etc. is something that I deem a basic and fundamental feature. So from my point of view, the IPAD doesn't "just work." I don't want to go on a rant here, it just bugs me... I've been trying to adjust, but it's not going too well...

So, to conclude this small (maybe not so small) wall of text, I am fairly, and unexpectedly, comfortable with iOS (aside from the file system thing...). Overall, it doesn't feel all that different from using my N7.

Anyways, any Android/Windows guys here? How was your transition? Did you completely move over to iOS for all your mobile/tablet devices? Or are you using a mix of devices?


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May 31, 2015
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Windows/Android guy here. My Air 2 is the first iOS device I have owned - I also have the 2012 & 2013 Nexus 7, a Galaxy Note 4, and an Asus TF700T. I have rooted and installed custom ROMs on a few of these.

The file system was also difficult for me to get used to but I must say that it has not prevented me from doing anything I needed to do with the tablet. Apps like FileBrowser and GoodReader have helped but with the sandbox approach used by iOS you do have to watch for the proliferation of copies of the same file in use by different apps. Plus, you can use the cloud but I do have a preference to having on-board files. Since getting used to the Air 2, I now rarely touch my Android devices - it does indeed "just work" very well.


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Aug 14, 2015
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Thanks for the welcome guys! I am getting more used to the IPAD.

I just did a jailbreak to get f.lux working. Now I can read at night without burning my retinas... :yes:


Nov 14, 2012
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I am on my first iPad since in three years. I used Android exclusively for that time period I was away. Here are som eof my take aways.

1: I don't miss how slow my Nexus 2012 had become with the updates. Granted it was an older device and I'm not bashing it. I don't expect a 3 year old device to run new software just as fast as the newer stuff. It was a great tablet for the price and in it's time.
2: At first, like you, I missed the ability to get into the file structure. After a month or so, that has stopped bother me. I really didn't do it often. It's a little harder with the iPad to access shared drives and copy stuff over if I want, but I haven't felt handcuffed in any way.
3: I love the fact that I am out of Androids stupid system update processes. While the Nexus was a Google device and got the updates fairly quick, my Samsung product (Note 10.1 2014) was atrocious with updates. It became a really bad joke really. This was a flagship tablet at one time and it only received one update. Still hadn't received Lollipop as of last month and no word on when, if ever that will happen.
4: I miss my widgets. For me, I loved them. Miss being able to just unlock the device and get a quick glimpse of the weather, my email, my calender and some news without tapping, sliding or interacting with the device.
5: The battery life on my iPad Air 2 is down right AMAZING. I have had times where I didn't touch the tablet for a day or two and when I did, the charge barely decreased. If I didn't plug in my Nexus or Note 10.1 2014 every night, it wouldn't last me through more than the next day.

These are just a couple of my thoughts. I have been more than happy with my choice to change. Glad to hear you are giving it a try.


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May 31, 2015
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5: The battery life on my iPad Air 2 is down right AMAZING. I have had times where I didn't touch the tablet for a day or two and when I did, the charge barely decreased. If I didn't plug in my Nexus or Note 10.1 2014 every night, it wouldn't last me through more than the next day.

Really agree on this one as I see the same with my Air 2. I have been fiddling with my 2013 Nexus 7 to reduce overnight battery drain by rooting it, using Greenify to put background processes to sleep, and turning off WiFi except when in use and I still get 5% drain overnight with the tablet sleeping. With the Air 2 - go to bed with it at 100% and it's still at 100% in the morning.


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Aug 14, 2015
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Well, I ended up returning the ipad and buying a galaxy tab s 8.4... While I was getting more and more used to it, it just didn't feel right. I guess it just wasn't for me.

On another note, the amount of crap Samsung puts in their ROM is astounding... Now I see why people who have tried Samsung phones say Android is laggy. It IS laggy (It is a bit better now on the tab S with LL). Nothing at all like Nexus or my Moto X though. My Moto X is super smooth, not a hint of lag anywhere. Hopefully Samsung streamlines their ROM in future updates like they did with the S6, etc. Despite the lag, I am much more happy now. iOS just isn't for me. I am glad I finally gave it a try though.

I do agree with you guys about the ipad's superior standby drain. My Galaxy Tab S can't touch it. I usually charge often though, so it doesn't bother me as much.

Now I think I should have bought a Nexus 9... Oh well.

Tre Lawrence

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Apr 26, 2013
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Well, I ended up returning the ipad and buying a galaxy tab s 8.4... While I was getting more and more used to it, it just didn't feel right. I guess it just wasn't for me.

On another note, the amount of crap Samsung puts in their ROM is astounding... Now I see why people who have tried Samsung phones say Android is laggy. It IS laggy (It is a bit better now on the tab S with LL). Nothing at all like Nexus or my Moto X though. My Moto X is super smooth, not a hint of lag anywhere. Hopefully Samsung streamlines their ROM in future updates like they did with the S6, etc. Despite the lag, I am much more happy now. iOS just isn't for me. I am glad I finally gave it a try though.

I do agree with you guys about the ipad's superior standby drain. My Galaxy Tab S can't touch it. I usually charge often though, so it doesn't bother me as much.

Now I think I should have bought a Nexus 9... Oh well.

I hear ya...

Nothing is cooler than being open-minded enough to try new/different platforms.

I like to tinker, so I naturally gravitate towards Android, but iOS has grown on me BIG time.

And yes, that standby time is exemplary.


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Sep 24, 2014
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I've had my fair share of ios and Android devices.

I've had within ios:
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPad Air
iPad Air 2
iPhone 6 plus

With Android I had:
Samsung Galaxy s2 skyrocket
Samsung Galaxy s3
Samsung Galaxy s4
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Nexus 5
Nexus 7
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5
I've tried the:
Motorola Druid Turbo
Motorola Nexus 6

Personally I like both Android and ios but I find ios devices battery life is way better and it's a seamless experience for me

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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