Replaced display assembly now freezing


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
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Hello all. I recently replaced the display assembly on an iPhone 5 for a coworker. His teenage son dropped the phone and shattered the glass. Repair went smooth as have 100s of others I've done in the past.

About a week went by after I returned the phone to him when he tells me that the iphone is freezing and not acting right. I told him to bring it back to me for me to see what's wrong. Sure enough, the iphone freezes and becomes unresponsive some times but then works fine again. So it the unresponsive problem comes and goes.

Before I returned the phone to him I checked that everything worked fine. Made sure display scrolled up and down, zoomed in and out, Front camera worked, display showed graphics properly. Pretty much made sure that everything was ok with the phone.

I did notice that the iPhone had a weird theme installed. I asked him if the iPhone was jail broken. He confirmed that it was. So I automatically assumed it was that. A problem with the software due to the phone being jail broken.

He claims it all started after replacing the display assembly. I explained to him that when I repaired it, I verified that everything was working fine.

Are my assumptions correct? Can a jail broken iPhone behave this way or cause it to stop working?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
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Anything is possible. . . . This is why I don't work on devices for friends or coworkers. You open yourself up to working with that phone over and over.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
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Anything is possible. . . . This is why I don't work on devices for friends or coworkers. You open yourself up to working with that phone over and over.

I feel the same way but it helps supplement my income. I also repair iPads and computers.

I just think that he's trying to maybe pull a fast one. I don't want to jump to conclusions. But the fact that a week or so went by after I gave him the phone back with the new screen, then he tells me about this happening. Leads me to think that it's not the display.

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