As we all know, our privacy is at stake, there is increasing censorship, and WhatsApp has just announced a few days ago that it will overhaul their privacy policy from Feb 8, and make all communication public to data centers. worldwide.
So what I want is to become independent of the major players in the social media world, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, search engine, WhatsApp, etc...
But, I can use your advice for that!
Let's compile a list of alternative platforms (free of censorship), so we know what the options are.
Below is a small example of what comes to mind first at the moment.
• WhatsApp -> Signal (Telegram is also leak)
• Facebook -> MeWe
• Instagram -> ??
• Twitter -> Parler/Gab
• YouTube -> BitChute
• Google -> DuckDuckGo
I would love to hear your feedback ... ??????
Which apps do you recommend?
If you have any comments about the above list, please let me know.
Parler is under heavy pressure, Google seems to be in revolt against it, Apple also seems to consider removing the app from the Appstore.
So what I want is to become independent of the major players in the social media world, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, search engine, WhatsApp, etc...
But, I can use your advice for that!
Let's compile a list of alternative platforms (free of censorship), so we know what the options are.
Below is a small example of what comes to mind first at the moment.
• WhatsApp -> Signal (Telegram is also leak)
• Facebook -> MeWe
• Instagram -> ??
• Twitter -> Parler/Gab
• YouTube -> BitChute
• Google -> DuckDuckGo
I would love to hear your feedback ... ??????
Which apps do you recommend?
If you have any comments about the above list, please let me know.
Parler is under heavy pressure, Google seems to be in revolt against it, Apple also seems to consider removing the app from the Appstore.
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