Only Black and White?


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Nov 5, 2011
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Is it just me, or does it seem that Apple has began to be slightly bland with their color choices? To be more specific, their devices (save for the iPod Nano or iPod Shuffle) have merely one or two color options: black or white. I have personally owned both a black and a white device, be it the iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPhone 4, or the 4S. What I'm getting at is: why does Apple not offer more color choices, like some of their iPods have? Black and white can get pretty bland after four years of only two color options. I want a red iPhone 4S. A Ferrari red finish on my Apple device would be absolutely breathtaking. Or cobalt blue. Or neon yellow. Or gunmetal grey, for that matter. How about a hot pink iPhone, or purple? I know their are third party solutions that will custom paint your device (think Colorware), but I don't want to risk voiding my warranty.

So what does everyone think? Are you guys happy with the current color choices we have? Would anyone else like to see multi-colored iDevices?

Ferrari Red for me.
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Mar 16, 2010
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I vote for purple!



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Nov 30, 2011
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I wish they would come out with colors too..... But on the other hand I'd never go naked so I guess it doesn't matter to me :)


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Apr 28, 2009
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I wish they would come out with colors too..... But on the other hand I'd never go naked so I guess it doesn't matter to me :)

That's my thought. With so many color choices available either in skins or cases, why feel limited?


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Jan 8, 2012
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I'm one of the people who does not place the iPhone in a case. I know it's risky, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. My other devices were also case-less with the exception of my Droid Incredible. My Blackberry devices, if not in my hand, were kept in a holster on my hip. Anyway, the iPhone is a gorgeous device and I didn't buy it to hide its beauty inside a case. No disrespect to those who choose to protect it with a case for resell purposes and the like so please don't take it that way.

Just Me, D


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Nov 30, 2011
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We are all Different no worries!! I can't afford to replace it if I drop it that's why I use a case! Verizon didn't offer AppleCare plus and I didn't hear about it until it was too late to get it so unless I want to pay Verizon 200 to replace it in the event it breaks, I keep it covered (I also have 4 children under 7, one of which drowned a phone of mine a few years ago, so im overly cautious!)


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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We are all Different no worries!! I can't afford to replace it if I drop it that's why I use a case! Verizon didn't offer AppleCare plus and I didn't hear about it until it was too late to get it so unless I want to pay Verizon 200 to replace it in the event it breaks, I keep it covered (I also have 4 children under 7, one of which drowned a phone of mine a few years ago, so im overly cautious!)

I understand and thank you. Lucky for me, my phone is either in my hand, in my pocket or right beside me almost at all times. My 16 year old daughter has her own iPhone 4, my 13 year old has an iPod Touch and a non-smartphone, my 6 year old wouldn't dare touch my phone without asking and my 21 year old is a non-issue because he's an adult and out of the house. ;). I'm an old school dad like the guy in this video.

Just Me, D


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Feb 27, 2011
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I understand and thank you. Lucky for me, my phone is either in my hand, in my pocket or right beside me almost at all times. My 16 year old daughter has her own iPhone 4, my 13 year old has an iPod Touch and a non-smartphone, my 6 year old wouldn't dare touch my phone without asking and my 21 year old is a non-issue because he's an adult and out of the house. ;). I'm an old school dad like the guy in this video.

Just Me, D

I absolutely loved that video. My wife is a little worried about what will happen when our 9 year old daughter decides to pull some crap like that kid (she's already getting the "I know everything attitude"). My 40 cal Glock with hollow points is just itching to get used. Haha.

Anyway, a bit off topic. I agree with the people that said case options are part of the cause. I also think mass producing different colors wouldn't be cost effective for Apple. I, for one, would never get anything other than black. And with iPhones taking over much of the corporate world, colors like hot pink, neon green, etc., would tend to be passed up for the more conservative white or black colors. How many Fortune 500 CEOs would pull out their fuschia iPhone during a meeting? Haha.

I don't blame people for wanting other colors, and please don't take it that I'm chastising you. I just think in Apple's mind, something like an iPhone which is less replaceable than a $100 Nano, needs to stick to the conservative colors for the bottom line. It's all about the bottom line.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I absolutely loved that video. My wife is a little worried about what will happen when our 9 year old daughter decides to pull some crap like that kid (she's already getting the "I know everything attitude"). My 40 cal Glock with hollow points is just itching to get used. Haha.

Anyway, a bit off topic. I agree with the people that said case options are part of the cause. I also think mass producing different colors wouldn't be cost effective for Apple. I, for one, would never get anything other than black. And with iPhones taking over much of the corporate world, colors like hot pink, neon green, etc., would tend to be passed up for the more conservative white or black colors. How many Fortune 500 CEOs would pull out their fuschia iPhone during a meeting? Haha.

I don't blame people for wanting other colors, and please don't take it that I'm chastising you. I just think in Apple's mind, something like an iPhone which is less replaceable than a $100 Nano, needs to stick to the conservative colors for the bottom line. It's all about the bottom line.

Your assessment is on-point, my friend, at least in my opinion. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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Nov 5, 2011
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Apple is still obviously geared toward consumer sales, not necessarily only corporate. I'm not saying they need a whole rainbow of colors, but a bit more personalization would be nice. I'm not one to ever use a case, due to the fact I don't want to conceal such a gorgeous device in a piece of plastic. I think that more color choices would be a huge hit for iPhones, after all, look at all the people that are walking around with them---it's not all corporate use.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Apple is still obviously geared toward consumer sales, not necessarily only corporate. I'm not saying they need a whole rainbow of colors, but a bit more personalization would be nice. I'm not one to ever use a case, due to the fact I don't want to conceal such a gorgeous device in a piece of plastic. I think that more color choices would be a huge hit for iPhones, after all, look at all the people that are walking around with them---it's not all corporate use.

Your reply is also on-point and at some point in time and depending on customer demand, they may have to address this issue. Thanks for your posts and have a great weekend.

Just Me, D


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
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Apple is still obviously geared toward consumer sales, not necessarily only corporate. I'm not saying they need a whole rainbow of colors, but a bit more personalization would be nice. I'm not one to ever use a case, due to the fact I don't want to conceal such a gorgeous device in a piece of plastic. I think that more color choices would be a huge hit for iPhones, after all, look at all the people that are walking around with them---it's not all corporate use.

I totally understand what you're saying. And I think as demand for it increases, Apple may change their mind. But with the umpteen-million iPhones out there, I think the vast majority still would not want anything other than the conservative colors (I do like your gunmetal grey idea, however). I think at this stage in the game, it isn't in Apple's books to make a variety of colors. I definitely wouldn't blame them if they started to do it. As they are obviously the type of company that would do extensive research before jumping in the deep end.

And I know there is obviously a huge consumer market for iPhones, but various colors, be it pink, green, red, or whatever, would not apply to Apple's ever increasing corporate influence.

This is kind of how cars used to be. Henry Ford said you could have any color Model T you wanted, as long as that color was black. This thought obviously changed at a point in time when it became necessary and apparent that it was monetarily feasible and beneficial.


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Nov 5, 2011
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Hell, they don't even have to mass produce the colored devices, they could do a limited edition run and I would be first in line for one.


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Jul 8, 2011
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Circlez, while I see your point of wanting Apple to spread it's wings color range wise for the iPhone, at the same time idk how well that may go over. Sure, I'd LOVE a pink iPhone BUT after a bit of thought, as much as I love the color, looking at it for 2 yrs straight till my upgrade is up would not be feasible to me. I'm the type that likes to change cases on a daily basis and have the option for a variety of colors available through doing that. Personally, I'd stick with an all white iPhone so the color would be neutral no matter what I dressed it up in:) but that's just me. I do think however in addition to the white & black iPhone that Apple should strongly consider adding gunmetal gray-I think that would be a great addition in color for the phone and it would look fantastic as well:)

Also, perhaps having Apple pick a year or iPhone release and add a special addition color just for that year would be great too. Of course, a color that is signature to Apple itself.

My final thought, as far as adding a variety of colors like the iPods have, I think that may cause more "chaos" than anything, lol. Giving too many choices (colors) will cause the consumer confusion, lol. (I'd probably be one of them LOL)


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Feb 27, 2011
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I could definitely see a limited edition special color in the future. It would absolutely play on our obsessions and force a lot of people to buy a phone off contract.


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Oct 7, 2011
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I'm torn on this. Ideally, a phone is a large purchase for someone and they should have it for years. So, you're probably not as likely to buy a phone in a trendy colour because you may not like it 18 months later (that's why some dress them up with skins and cases). So, limiting it to black and white may make sense if you look it that way. On the other hand, if you're going to upgrade whenever the next one comes along anyway, you might like the idea of having colours to choose from.


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Oct 14, 2011
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I just like the idea of being able to change the entire housing like someone earlier in this post showed..i never hesitated (well, ok maybe a little bit) on changing the housing on any of my Blackberry's, but the thought of tearing into my iPhone makes me cringe.. even though I'd love to put a different color housing on it...

IDK if I could live with say a green phone, or a red phone or a blue phone for 2 years... now black.. that's no problem at all...

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