This has happened on a couple of occasions, only briefly for less than 2 minutes.
This evening, I have been waiting for it to make contact with my router for nearly two hours!
Looking in settings, it says "WiFi not Connected" in the left panel, and "WiFi on" on the right hand side.
"Choose a network" just has a rotating "Progress GIF" which never finds my network.
My router shows my iPad as "inactive" and states that it's IP address is static.
I have had this tablet since the beginning of December and only a couple of times have I had to wait for it to establish a connection.
This is worrying me as there seems to be nothing I can do to make it work.
I have changed nothing at all in the settings, the iPad has not been out of my house since I bought it, so it has never used any other WiFi network but my own.
What is wrong with it?
Can anyone explain, or offer help, 'cos I'm lost?
Just tried to join my own network using the "Other" option, it allows me to enter the network name and encryption type and also the Router Password, it then tells me it "Cannot scan for networks" doesn't say why, which would be helpful!
Just noticed I'm in the wrong time zone!
Changed to GMT (London etc.)
Hmm... that hasn't changed the Edited time notification, now it's actually 23:53 here!
Back again!
"Google is your friend" true!
Found the answer here:-
I am however unimpressed by this onset of Windows style flakiness...........I thought the pound of flesh that I paid for this kit lifted me above such antics!
This evening, I have been waiting for it to make contact with my router for nearly two hours!
Looking in settings, it says "WiFi not Connected" in the left panel, and "WiFi on" on the right hand side.
"Choose a network" just has a rotating "Progress GIF" which never finds my network.
My router shows my iPad as "inactive" and states that it's IP address is static.
I have had this tablet since the beginning of December and only a couple of times have I had to wait for it to establish a connection.
This is worrying me as there seems to be nothing I can do to make it work.
I have changed nothing at all in the settings, the iPad has not been out of my house since I bought it, so it has never used any other WiFi network but my own.
What is wrong with it?
Can anyone explain, or offer help, 'cos I'm lost?
Just tried to join my own network using the "Other" option, it allows me to enter the network name and encryption type and also the Router Password, it then tells me it "Cannot scan for networks" doesn't say why, which would be helpful!
Just noticed I'm in the wrong time zone!
Changed to GMT (London etc.)
Hmm... that hasn't changed the Edited time notification, now it's actually 23:53 here!
Back again!
"Google is your friend" true!
Found the answer here:-
I am however unimpressed by this onset of Windows style flakiness...........I thought the pound of flesh that I paid for this kit lifted me above such antics!
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