LastPass OR 1Password ??


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2015
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I'm a LastPass user since about 5 years, and fully satisfied.
I'm just wondering though... why is it that mostly 1Password gets reviewed when it comes to Password Safe apps?
(instead of LastPass)

Is 1Password so much better?

- What do you guys think is the better of these 2, and more importantly WHY??

I remember having tried 1Password a few years ago, but didn't like 2 things;

• the fact that - back then - you needed to log in, every time you rebooted the Mac.
Don't know if this has been improved over the years?
(LastPass is a one-time sign in via the browser, and that's it)
• you needed to install a separate app, besides the Safari browser extension in order to work (LastPass only needs the browser extension)
Has this been improved these days?


Feb 20, 2014
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I haven’t used either and don’t miss any of them one bit.
I’m happy with the way iCloud KeyChain works, for my use case.

Hopefully someone else will chime in with a better answer.


Oct 2, 2013
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1Password works really well for me. The features and options are outstanding. And since I paid $9.99 for it several years ago, I'll stick with it. I've never used LastPass.


Dec 25, 2011
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I'm a LastPass user since about 5 years, and fully satisfied.
I'm just wondering though... why is it that mostly 1Password gets reviewed when it comes to Password Safe apps?
(instead of LastPass)

Is 1Password so much better?

- What do you guys think is the better of these 2, and more importantly WHY??

I remember having tried 1Password a few years ago, but didn't like 2 things;

• the fact that - back then - you needed to log in, every time you rebooted the Mac.
Don't know if this has been improved over the years?
(LastPass is a one-time sign in via the browser, and that's it)
• you needed to install a separate app, besides the Safari browser extension in order to work (LastPass only needs the browser extension)
Has this been improved these days?

1Password has timer options for lockdown. Reboots do require login again, however I can go straight to biometric authentication to login after reboot. I’m not sure if you still need the desktop app for the web extension to work, I have both as I use the desktop app to create logins when required. Both services really offer the same features from what I can tell, however, 1Password shifted to a subscription based model. I don’t have have to worry about that since I’ve been grandfathered into it and I paid $15 for the app on all the platforms and $50 per license for macOS and Windows. So I’m all in on 1Password.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I've used several password managers over the years and 1Password has been my go-to password manager app for the past several years. I have "everything" in that app - not just passwords. Anyway, before that I used DataVault for a number of years. I don't recall ever using LastPass. Sorry.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2016
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Another vote for 1Password. Love the biometric login and lock timers. Switched from LastPass about a year ago.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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Another vote for 1Password. Love the biometric login and lock timers. Switched from LastPass about a year ago.

Maybe I don't understand your description but the finger print and face as credentials LastPass have sure seem like biometric to me.

Both seem to be fine products. If you follow tech reviews there was a time when LastPass had important advantages. Now it's owned by another firm but still a great product.

I can't put either down but really like LastPass for the way it can serve individual, family and enterprise use. Most of my time with it is my personal data, I do sharing with an enterprise, and the rest of my family is set up with their family plan.

When the CEO I report to was using 1Password we certainly took a look at using it but he changed back to LastPass and the enterprise did for same reasons I pointed out. A product or family (service levels or types) that is as good for our personal use as it is for the company with 700+ employees.

At times I wonder if 1Password has Apple user popularity the way Parallels is talked up vs VMware. They all work but LastPass and VMware rule if you look beyond personal use or for overall support.

No matter what I encourage a system like these and encourage people to have their work places use them and two factor authentication too.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2016
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At times I wonder if 1Password has Apple user popularity the way Parallels is talked up vs VMware. They all work but LastPass and VMware rule if you look beyond personal use or for overall support.

I don't use either. Putting a M$ product on a Mac is blasphemous. LOL

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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1Password works really well for me. The features and options are outstanding. And since I paid $9.99 for it several years ago, I'll stick with it. I've never used LastPass.

Exactly this. I’m married to 1Password because I purchased it s long time ago and therefore don’t need a subscription for full functionality. I also don’t feel like going through the effort of changing everything to a new password manager.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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I don't use either. Putting a M$ product on a Mac is blasphemous. LOL

You might be among the many who are unaware of Microsoft being one of the best developers for Apple users out there - perpetuating stereotypes where neither Microsoft or Apple are the companies many think they are.

Office 365 desktop apps share same code base as Windows. They fully support the OS dark mode that many of my Mac apps do not.

As a G Suite and Azure/365 admin I'm constantly seeing how much more the Microsoft apps do. The Microsoft server side has client support with Apple Mobile and desktops. Two of the corporate offices I support now have about 1/2 the staff using Macs. That used to be one or both of impossible or impractical. Now Microsoft has done the most to enable that. All stuff I would not imagined a few to 10 years back.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2016
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You might be among the many who are unaware of Microsoft being one of the best developers for Apple users out there - perpetuating stereotypes where neither Microsoft or Apple are the companies many think they are.

Oh I'm FULLY aware of that. I just refuse to use it on my Mac since it's used for photo/video editing only.

But back to the subject, what turned me away from LastPass was the security breach not too long ago.


Mar 2, 2016
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I'm following this thread with interest. While I do not use either of the two password managers and like @Tartarus, I'm content with Apple's iCloud KeyChain, I am curious, and occasionally wonder if I should enroll in one. But I worry about security breaches, so I'm still sitting on the sidelines!


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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I'm following this thread with interest. While I do not use either of the two password managers and like @Tartarus, I'm content with Apple's iCloud KeyChain, I am curious, and occasionally wonder if I should enroll in one. But I worry about security breaches, so I'm still sitting on the sidelines!

I have a hard time understanding how Apple’s keychain could store all info a good privacy mgmt system does, nor how it can aid resets and not recycling passwords.

To be fair I have to hold a lot of private info via my work but these products are tremendous just for my own stuff such as banks, credit cards, health care, insurance and more.

There are good sites and podcasts that will educate on this topic.


Feb 20, 2014
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I have a hard time understanding how Apple’s keychain could store all info a good privacy mgmt system does, nor how it can aid resets and not recycling passwords.

To be fair I have to hold a lot of private info via my work but these products are tremendous just for my own stuff such as banks, credit cards, health care, insurance and more.

There are good sites and podcasts that will educate on this topic.
Meh, I don’t recycle passwords. I merely use iCloud Keychain for autofill purposes.

I even have an excel file in iCloud Drive that has all my passwords in columns and rows.

And frankly, I am well aware of the risks, no site nor podcast can make me delete that excel file to use a password app.


Trusted Member
Mar 8, 2014
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Meh, I don’t recycle passwords. I merely use iCloud Keychain for autofill purposes.

I even have an excel file in iCloud Drive that has all my passwords in columns and rows.

And frankly, I am well aware of the risks, no site nor podcast can make me delete that excel file to use a password app.

What will you do if something happens, a breach, etc? I can easily download a few Linux tools to brute force passwords that aren’t random enough. It’s pretty easy to do. I’m just curious what your plan is for this.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2013
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After I forgot my master password on 1Password, I gave up on it.
I have been using iCloud Keychain, and it has worked well for me.


Feb 20, 2014
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What will you do if something happens, a breach, etc? I can easily download a few Linux tools to brute force passwords that aren’t random enough. It’s pretty easy to do. I’m just curious what your plan is for this.

I don’t have plans for that. I’m not worried.
Those accounts that need extra protection have all 2fa enabled. The rest isn’t important enough for me to worry about.


Jun 7, 2010
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I like Lastpass. First it was cost, then it was the ability to install it on a machine (i.e. work computer) via browser extension without a separate app. I also like the ease of use -- I tried 1Password at one point and it needed extra steps to get the password in so I gave up and just keep Lastpass. They've been good to me and can't imagine being without.


iPad Champion
Jan 25, 2014
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Oh I'm FULLY aware of that. I just refuse to use it on my Mac since it's used for photo/video editing only.

But back to the subject, what turned me away from LastPass was the security breach not too long ago.

Unless I'm missing something, the LastPass security breach was 4 years ago, which is what your article is talking about (and I hate that it doesn't have a date). Also, as the article points out, all that the hackers got was the encrypted passwords -- while they can eventually decrypt them, they have to be "brute forced" which takes time; time that allowed users of LastPass to reset their master password (and something you should be doing every few months regardless). Even with the breach, LastPass is considered one of the best password managers, along with 1Password.

As for the reason you are seeing lots of reviews and articles on 1Password -- the fact is many of them are "sponsored." 1Password is pushing and paying to get articles on their service, since they switched to a subscription based model -- they are wanting subscribers. It isn't anything special about 1Password, though (as stated above) they are one of the top tier of password managers.

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