Jarhead 2: Field of Fire


Sep 7, 2010
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This past week I found myself in south Georgia at FLETC for law enforcement training. 4 days of annoying PT, fire arms training, classroom work and what just feels like boot camp that pops up every five years. I can't complain too much, it isn't hard, just tedious...last night was the final night of the "camp", and we had a movie night...two choices, Jarhead 2 or Frozen. It was a room of 50+ middle aged men/women who had just spent a week doing CQC and firearms courses, so I wasn't surprised that Frozen won out the choice (didn't see that one coming did ya? LOL!). I've seen it a dozen times with my niece and wife and others, so I went to bed and downloaded Jarhead 2 and settled in my own little world to enjoy.

This movie is drastically different than the first Jarhead movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx. This is more of an actual MOVIE than a sort of "reality" scenario. Once you're past this, it becomes it's own kind of franchise...and I rather enjoyed it! You follow a Marine supply team...kind of a ragtag group of guys and a woman who are making their way to an outpost when they are met by a special forces chief (Cole Hauser) who has a very important woman he is trying to safely transport and had come under fire in the area the unit was traveling through. The rest is a very grim, violent and action packed few days as these soldiers make their way through one of the most dangerous portions of taliban country.


I really enjoyed the action and military feel of this film, but one glaringly obvious detail was absolutely KILLING me through the whole ordeal. You have a group of Marines and two special forces guys, and after their first real fire fight where all of the units vehicles were destroyed, why the HELL did they keep leaving these taliban trucks behind after each little skirmish? They ultimately TAKE a truck to get the woman to safety, so why the actual f*%# did they wait so friggin' long to take a truck? The whole damn group stood a better chance of making it all the way back to safety if they had just snagged one of the first armed trucks they overtook and bee line it to the closest outpost.

I was getting furious about this, but I guess it was simply to continue the "struggle" story...I just wish they had thought about this and maybe remove these trucks from the scenario all together until the end. Would have made a lot more sense then.


...decent movie, certainly worth a lazy day watch, especially if you're a fan of war movies of any type.

Beyond Fire

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2012
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Nice review, I had no idea they even made a #2. I'll be sure to check it out. My 2 favorite war movies to this day are Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down.

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