iTunes and managing music - Part Two-what is the best way to move music to my iDevices?


iMore Question

iTunes and managing music - Part Two

I asked a question yesterday about the manage music manually tab in iTunes. In addition to asking here, I also went to Apple Store and asked them.

I was a little surprised none of them knew why the button does not stay on, but I suppose it does not matter too much. However, from looking around online and talking to them at the store I am wondering, is the way I move music to my devices the correct way? (If there even is one correct way of doing it)

Everyone seemed pretty surprised that the way I do it, is just grab the song I want and move it to the device I want it on. They thought I should use the checkmarks, and then sync.

So, my question simply is-
Is just dragging the songs one at a time (or in a group if I use Ctrl) over to the device a ?usual? and effective way to move my music to my iDevices.

Once again, thank you


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Sep 2, 2013
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Re: iTunes and managing music - Part Two

1. There's no "one" correct way.
2. There's no "usual" way to do it.

Do whatever works for you. Personally, the way you describe is how I do it.
But others do it the way described in your other thread. Unchecking everything and then checking the songs you want and syncing the device.

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