I traded in my Black SE2020 last week for a Blue iPhone 13 Pro 128 at Best Buy who was giving an extra $200 on trade on a promotion, so it was a no brainer. So far I love the device.
Screen is big and bright, the processor seems snappy and no lag issues. Typing on the screen is a joy and I never knew how much I missed having a big screen until I decided to use my twin brothers SE2020 as my daily driver after he passed last May.
Don’t get me wrong here!! The SE2020 is a very nice device and in my opinion the best Apple phone for the money and I loved the forum factor. But typing on a smaller screen took some getting used to.
But, I am now back on a shiny new iPhone 13 Pro and I am a happy camper. As far as the device being a keeper, it certainly is and was money well spent.