We do know (with reasonable certainty) that it will be released in June. All I care about is when Cingular decides it's time to take orders...
Also, with only two months until a VERY high profile product release, I'd be surprised if the hardware isn't already final and just awaiting very last minute software tweaks. If they aren't that close to being ready, we're all in trouble. I can hear the tech service recording now...
"You're approximate wait time is 213 minutes..."
I think we'd already be hearing substantial talk of a delayed release if there were any significant issues. So whether they start shipping on the 11th, the 15th, the 7th, or the 30th - I just want to know when I can get on the list...
As far as the rep being in the know, I would hope that knowing he was talking to the media, he'd have some tangible info. If not, the patent "we don't have access to that information" would have been the most reasonable response. He did indicate that it was a CS "manager", and not just a regular phone rep. Time will tell. We will probably hear lots of speculative dates for release. Heck, just make one up - you have a one in thirty chance of being right!