iPhone for 7 yr old?


Mar 31, 2009
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As the title says, what do you think?

For background, my daughter has been playing with my iPhone since I got it last summer, and has wanted one ever since. She actually uses my iPhone WAY more than her nintendo. Mostly, she plays games, but also she listens to music and watches youtube vidoes (with supervision). She will also text grandma and her cousin sometimes.

Now, I have an older version iPod touch (no speaker) and that wouldn't fly b/c she prefers the speaker. I know the newer iPod touch has the speaker, but I also realize that it still less usefull than the iPhone. My biggest complaint about the iPod touch was that in order to access the internet, you had to be near wifi.

I'm kinda on the fence. She doesn't need a phone (hell, most of us don't "need" one), but it is still very usefull. Perhaps the biggest benefit is that we can always contact each other, and maybe even locate via GPS (is this coming?). That provides a big piece-of-mind, especially if traveling, etc.

Not to mention that it gives me an excuse to upgrade this summer :D


Dec 20, 2008
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My Opinion

We were in the same position with my son on his 8th Birthday last month. We had decided we were going to get him an Ipod Touch so he could play the games and such. Well Thankfully, we decided to first try getting him an Ipod shuffle, to see how it went. Well after having it 13 days, he left it in his pants, and the wife washed it.

He has since taken care of the new one that we ultimately had to buy him because the other one no longer worked. I will probably get him an Ipod touch in a year or so, but i want him to show that he can take care of it.

To answer your question, its really up to you, and if you are willing to lose a couple hundred dollars, because I just dont think a child that young is ready to take care of something like that. Good luck to you.


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Jul 5, 2008
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I would agree - there is a big difference in playing with Daddy's (like my daughter does) and having one of her own.

I don't think I would get the phone option, wifi connection is probably fine.

Heck, you might be able to tether the iPod touch to your iPhone when you are out of wifi range. :)


Leanna Lofte

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Sep 7, 2008
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WOW! And I thought my dad always spoiled me!! I say if you really want to get it for her, can afford the monthly bill, and won't be angry at her if she drops and breaks it, then go for it! Especially if you give her your hand-me-down instead of purchasing a new one.

Man, I remember being one of the "cool kids" when I had a cheap Nokia phone at 15 years old. Boy have times changed! ;)


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Jan 20, 2009
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She doesn't need a phone :D

There is your answer! She does not "need a phone" so why would you get her the best phone out there!

I have yet to meet a 7 year old that has been able to take care of a calculator, never mind an iphone... I would say go with a touch and get her an email account. She can still send your family messages, listen to her music, and play her games.

If I got a ninja turtle when I was young I thought I had died and gone to heaven, this kid has it made!


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Jan 13, 2009
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My son is 12, he has had a phone fr the last 2-3 years, or I should say he's had 4 phones over the 2-3 years. He's washed one, he's lost one, he's completely destroyed one and he has one left. I would not get him an iPhone. I will grant you, my daughter (14) has not lost, washed, destroyed or even needed a new phone, so I think you will have better luck with a girl, but she's still way too young for that device.


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Jun 17, 2008
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It's your child, so you know. I for one if I feel my son at 6 is ready, I'll get it for him. My reason is to be able to converse with him and not have to go through his mother. Always remember, would it matter if something happened to the device?


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Mar 30, 2009
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As others have pointed out, if you ever consider buying an expensive item for a child that young, always ask yourself if you can easily replace it if it's lost or broken/destroyed... especially a portable device like this. Because even if you feel your kids are uber-responsible, their little friends probably aren't. And they will want to touch and try... and peer pressure is a mutha so your kid might give it up.


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Jan 7, 2009
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What 6 or 7 year old can text at a level that they need internet, SMS, or e-mail in their hand at all times? Shouldn't your kid be playing outside or something. I could see how a simple FREE phone would be handy, or that the kid might enjoy playing games on the phone, but please give all us teachers a break and send her out to play like a child should. Most of these devices get stolen, lost or broken and we (the teachers) get blamed if it happens in our classes. If this is only going to be a toy that she will use when she is around you, let her use your phone, if it belongs to her and she is going to take it everywhere, I wouldn't even bother with a touch. It is too big of an issue without supervision for a child of her age. A puppy would be easer.


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Jul 7, 2008
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I don't have kids so I have no useful input on the matter. I just find it amusing that at 19, my parents got me my first cell phone (the size of a walkie talkie - this was 1993-94) and now I hear that a 7 year old might get the finest mobile device in the world! :D
Kids have it so easy nowadays...
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Jan 20, 2009
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For some it may not. If I were to get my son a phone at an early age, I would have to not care before I got him an iPhone.

Your right, for some handing a $300 dollar phone to a child is just a drop in the bucket, but can that really be good for a kid? Receiving gifts like that at that age seems like the start of some bad habits...

Makes me think of the girl from Charlie and the Chocolate factory... "But Daddy I want it nowww" :rolleyes:

Stevie No-Wonder

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Nov 17, 2008
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... Shouldn't your kid be playing outside or something....

I totally agree. Normally, I don't involve myself in giving people advice on how to raise their children because it's none of my business. But she did ask. ;)

I guess if you want children someday filling out job applications with words like ur, omg, cuz, b4, and wtf, then by all means get them started early. :rolleyes:


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Apr 2, 2009
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I totally agree. Normally, I don't involve myself in giving people advice on how to raise their children because it's none of my business. But she did ask. ;)

I guess if you want children someday filling out job applications with words like ur, omg, cuz, b4, and wtf, then by all means get them started early. :rolleyes:

Actually, lots of people need advice on raising children..........

Allyson Kazmucha

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Apr 5, 2009
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I think that would start some bad habits. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think handing things like that to a child that young starts a trend, and that trend being I get what I want.

For me, I wanted a cell phone BADLY when I was in high school. My parents told me until I could sign for my own, that was a no go. If I went out of town, I got my dad's or mom's to take w/ me, then eventually they got me a prepaid phone. I was responsible for the minutes. When I turned 18, I got a capital one card, built a little bit of credit to avoid a deposit, and then went into AT&T at 18 and got a contract deposit free.

Nothing was ever handed to me. On the opposite, I have friends whose parents did just that, and 90% of them are 23 or 24 and still living at home and still never have money even though they work. They have no idea how to manage money because no one ever taught them. That should tell you something.

Maybe this is an isolated situation, but if she likes it that much, either give her your old one to use only as an iPod touch when you upgrade, or buy her a refurb iPod touch.


Apr 13, 2009
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An iPhone for a 7 yr old is sending the wrong message.
As a parent of 11 yr old twins, I teach my children responsibility, accountability and the importance of hard work!
I think the iPhone is a bit too much.
Just my two cents


Mar 31, 2009
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Thanks for the comments.

I do understand that I may be sending a bad message by allowing her to get an iphone. Even if the price of the iphone is not an issue, teaching the value of things should always be an issue. And, of course, teaching responsibility, accountabilty, and hard work are also important.

I'm just trying to put myself in her shoes, and perhaps work out a win-win situation where she gets what she wants (iphone) and we get what we want (responsibility, accountabilty, etc.). Nothing wrong with getting what you want though...hell, as a kid, I would have loved for just the opportunity to get what I wanted.

Maybe the question is whether she can "earn" it. Obviously, she can't work at starbucks.
  • Chores? It helps, but really it's just part of being a member of the household.
  • Giving up other toys? I like this. She can help us sell her old toys & stuff on ebay, and contribute to the purchase price.
  • Volunteer work? Can't work at starbucks, but maybe we can "pay" her for picking up trash at the beach, for example.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I can't think it's that bad if she actually puts effort towards getting it. Worst-case scenario (or best case) is that she finds out that it really wasn't worth it.

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