iPhone 7 Plus VS IPhone 7 (My opinion)


Sep 18, 2016
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Hi every one.

I just wanted to give feed back after having both devices since end of September.

I have a IPhone 7 32gb and a IPhone 7 plus 256gb as daily drivers both Matt black.

They both have advantage's and disadvantage's.

iPhone 7:

The IPhone 7 was a great daily driver.
It had great pocket ability.

For me when running/gym and working on Site (I'm a structural engineer) going up ladders on high rise buildings etc was great to have a small device as you never really felt it.

The battery would last a whole day and I would turn on at 6.30am and have around 36% left by 10.30pm.

I'd use the iPhone 7 for personal calls friends and family and maybe some Social media and pictures.

All around a great device.

iPhone 7 Plus

Well straight away the size gets you. You have to adjust If you have come from a IP 6s.

The screen is awesome to watch videos compared to the IP7.

The battery would last me 2 days.

The camera is were both phones are brilliant

The IP 7 was good but the IP7+ is a different league.
Also with more features soon on the update.

I was using the IP7+ for work. Had huge call volumes, pictures as well as emailing etc.


There both really good handsets.

It really comes down to sizes of the handsets.

Hope this helps some people who may have trouble deciding which IP to go for.

Many thanks for reading



Retired Moderator
Jul 19, 2008
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Thanks, Sonny. I just got my 7, and chose it over the Plus totally because of size & personal portability preferences. They are both great devices!


iPad Champion
Jan 25, 2014
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This is an issue I'm having, trying to decide if I need to get the Plus. Size wise, I love the size of the 7; it fits nicely in my hand and is easy to carry. OTOH, I'm old enough that I appreciate the screen size of the 7 Plus and the new cameras are intriguing to me, though it is $120 more. I'm very torn between the two -- and throwing the 6s Plus into the conversation (which is currently available and the same price of the 7) doesn't help, as you lose the water resistance, the improved optics in the camera, etc.

Michial Brown

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2012
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The plus has a better screen resolution, a bigger screen, a bigger battery that'll give you about 3 more hours a day, and a better camera. The screen and battery are well worth the size jump. Trust me I've had both and the pluses far outweigh the minuses. At least for me.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2014
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That is great to hear. I have just ordered my first iPhone (7 plus 256gb jet black) and I am coming from a Blackberry Z30. I chose the plus because I didn't want a smaller screen than what I already had. Better camera, more ram etc. than the iPhone 7 are great perks.

Now if the delivery date (Oct 30-Nov 15) would only come sooner.....


iPad Champion
Jan 25, 2014
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Just to update, I had tried a 7 before I posted and, over a few days, I realized that it just wasn't going to work for me. I'm old enough that I really need the larger screen, even though I really liked how the 7 fit in my hand and how easy it was to carry. Yesterday I went into the Apple Store to exchange my 7, fully expecting to end up with a 6s Plus because they didn't show that they had any 7 Plus phones.

Even when I got to the store, I still expected a 6S Plus as asking the "greeter", I was told they didn't have the 7 Plus in stock. When I exchanged my phone they double checked stock for me and found a Rose Gold 128GB 7 Plus, so I nabbed it. Rose Gold was not my first choice but I am happy with it, I find it an interesting color -- and will have it in a case most of the time. Coming from Android, I'm not as excited about black phones, since I've had several. ;)

I look forward to getting to know the phone, and hoping I don't have some of the issues that others have reported with the 7 Plus (such as the GPS and connectivity issues); though knowing Apple, I fully expect all the issues to be corrected with the next few iOS patches. Once I've had a chance to use the 7 Plus for a few days, I'll try to remember to post my thoughts.


Mar 20, 2011
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Call me crazy... I'm on my 3rd device in less than a month... Started with the plus... Then sold it and purchased the 7... 3 days later I am back with the plus.

Bottom line for others like me... Heavy business use... Heavy use of camera... 50-75 emails a day. SMS all day and night. The Plus checks all boxes.

Battery with the 7 wouldn't get me to 4:00 in the afternoon without charging.

Plus last me al day and into the night. Camera is amazing on both. The Plus is simply a better camera. I teach/coach a HS Surf team and there is a big difference from shots taken on the beach of my team in the water.

Either way you can't go wrong and the good news is they don't catch fire...!


Mar 6, 2015
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I went with the 7 initially and returned it before my 14 days.. I am now waiting on my 7 plus (256gb). I have the IP 6s and plan to keep it and carry them both! Ive carried 2 phones now for a while so this won't be a big adjustment for me.

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