iPhone 7 plus Verizon bad reception


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Sep 14, 2012
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Anyone experiencing issues with Verizon iPhone 7 plus with bad reception. I seem to have issues when traveling as in switching towers. My connections drops and it takes a few minutes to reconnect. I'm currently in a place now and I'm getting 1x and my wife's iPhone 6s Plus is getting LTE. I tried resetting network settings but that didn't work.


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Oct 15, 2015
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Yeah same here. It'll swap from LTE to 3G... my 6s plus did it at one point I went in and got a new SIM card and that fixed it may do that again


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Dec 13, 2014
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I am driving from Texas to Virginia and back now. Have been having signal issues often with my ip7 and my wife's 6s has had lte the whole time. I guess it is an issue and when I get back home I will be going to apple to have them swap it out.


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Sep 14, 2012
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I am driving from Texas to Virginia and back now. Have been having signal issues often with my ip7 and my wife's 6s has had lte the whole time. I guess it is an issue and when I get back home I will be going to apple to have them swap it out.

Are you swapping out Sims or phone?


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Oct 27, 2014
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Swapping out the SIM or Phone will make no difference. There is nothing wrong with either.

There are a few big threads on Macrumors about it. The general consensus seems to be people are thinking it is the carrier file and that it needs to be updated. Some people with Tmobile are having the same issue, but it seems worse on Verizon.

So don't waste your time swapping out the sim or phone, it won't help. Just ride it out until Apple comes out with a fix.


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Sep 3, 2016
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I'm on a regular 7 but I'm also having reception issues. It's a shame too, because call quality is superb. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed with a software update.


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Jun 20, 2009
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I've had terrible reception on my iphone 7 but i'm on AT&T, it is definitely worse than my previous iphone 6S, I have another iphone 5 for my job and it consistently shows LTE where the 7 shows E or 4G... and sometimes NO SERVICE, it is so bad than under Baterry settings the " No cell coverage " always shows around 20%... I honestly dont remember seeing this before on my 6S, I guess it's always been much lower..
The thing is I didnt activate the sim card that my iphone 7 came with, I just swapped my 6S sim card ... so my next step is call AT&T and see if they can activate this new sim card, a reset to factory settings migh help too... if not i'll take it to the Apple store..


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Sep 14, 2012
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I know that it was determined to be an issue with Verizon or Apple but I swapped out my SIM card anyway at a local Verizon store and it seemed to have helped. I am now able to keep a lte connection from home to work, whereas I couldn't before. I'm not sure if the issue was address or not but the sim swap seemed to have helped me. For those who are experiencing the issue, I'd give it a try. It's free at a corporate store.

FYI, the techs at the store seem to have known about the issue but wouldn't admit it. They told me that there was an issue with there advance calling network and turned off voice over lte. They said it was not just the iPhones but other phones as well. As soon as I left the store, I turned voice back on just to see if I would loose connection. So far so good.


iPhone 7, iPad Pro & Apple Watch Champion
Sep 26, 2012
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I've had terrible reception on my iphone 7 but i'm on AT&T, it is definitely worse than my previous iphone 6S, I have another iphone 5 for my job and it consistently shows LTE where the 7 shows E or 4G... and sometimes NO SERVICE, it is so bad than under Baterry settings the " No cell coverage " always shows around 20%... I honestly dont remember seeing this before on my 6S, I guess it's always been much lower..
The thing is I didnt activate the sim card that my iphone 7 came with, I just swapped my 6S sim card ... so my next step is call AT&T and see if they can activate this new sim card, a reset to factory settings migh help too... if not i'll take it to the Apple store..

I've had tons of dropped calls with ATT on my 7 as well. Been annoying. Did not have this issue with my 6s or my SE.


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Jun 20, 2009
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I've had tons of dropped calls with ATT on my 7 as well. Been annoying. Did not have this issue with my 6s or my SE.

funny because it's not really dropped calls for me, I dont really talk that much. It's data.. and it seems to get worse when I'm driving, probably an issue when switching towers or something, it goes to E or 4G a lot ( the bad 4G where I barely get 0.5mbps, not the good HSPA+ from 5 years ago ) while my iphone 5C shows a strong LTE... but the 6S was definitely better, proof is I never really noticed the " no cell coverage " in the Battery settings until now...


iPhone 7, iPad Pro & Apple Watch Champion
Sep 26, 2012
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funny because it's not really dropped calls for me, I dont really talk that much. It's data.. and it seems to get worse when I'm driving, probably an issue when switching towers or something, it goes to E or 4G a lot ( the bad 4G where I barely get 0.5mbps, not the good HSPA+ from 5 years ago ) while my iphone 5C shows a strong LTE... but the 6S was definitely better, proof is I never really noticed the " no cell coverage " in the Battery settings until now...

I'm gonna compare it to my daughters' and husband's phone when we're out next. They've got a 5s, 6s and HTC 10.


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May 6, 2013
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I was torn between sticking with Android after Note 7 debacle or coming over to iPhone but poor reception is a no go for me. My wife's iPhone 6+ always gets better reception than my Note 7(returned) or Note 3. It was one reason I considered iPhone. I'll watch to see if things improve .


Sep 1, 2016
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Same issue here. Driving along and I have terrible reception where there always was good reception, or no reception at all where there was reception.


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May 6, 2013
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This is what pisses me off about reviews. Not just apple but all brands. Reviewers rave about features and photos etc but make no attempt to measure internet reception and speed, call quality, phone speaker etc. Reviewers focus on new features rather than basic functionality. I've never read a single review discussing VZW (biggest USA provider) reception or radio software. It comes out here or xda first THEN reviwers might write about it.

Did any reviews mention connecting iwatch screws up other bleutooth connections?


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Sep 3, 2016
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Both mine and my husbands 7 pluses will just drop to no service. Never at the same time or in the same places. Just randomly.

My wife and I are having the same issue. She's on a 7,I'm on a 7 Plus. I hope they get it figured out. The phones are awesome but I expect to get good to great reception with Verizon.


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Oct 15, 2015
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Go into cellular > cellular data options > then enable LTE for data only

It works, yes losing the ability to talk and surf the web at the same time sucks but at least this way you don't have to worry about the "no service" message. I've done this and it work.

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