Hi,I got front camera problem(black screen) already one month ago.I changed my third screen,3months ago.but the repairman didnt place the home button well.So like im used to change small parts in my iphone.I fixed it.I also place my font camera in exact position.but ended crack my screen.Fortunately,ive my Original screen..so i took every things(front camera,earpiece and Home button) back in my original screen.everything was working find except the front facing camera.When i opened my front camera and the screen goes black and not taking pictures.I tried to unplug replug,restore,erase.etc..still the same.I went to a shop where it repairs mobile phone.I changed the battery,front facing camera flex cable(it came general) and A new screen.still the same.Thats a great disappointment.and i want a solution or if somebody had the same problem can share the solution.I have spent almost 300$ repairing this Iphone