iPhone 2.2 jailbreak not working, causes phone to never boot


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Nov 26, 2008
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First time with this issue. I updated my iPhone 3G to 2.2 software from a jailbroken (with quickpwn on windows) 2.1 install. Now whenever I jailbreak the 2.2 software (also with quickpwn on windows) the phone never boots, but just sits at the bootup screen with the apple logo, vibrates 4 times, then after a while white-screens and reboots itself requiring me to have to do a full restore from a backup in iTunes. I have AT&T and I don't need any baseband modifications. What am I doing wrong? Is there any way I can get 2.2 successfully jailbroken? Will I need to start completely clean and setup the iPhone as a new device? Thanks in advance for anyone's insight.

Brief specs:
iPhone 3G on US AT&T
Windows XP SP3 with the latest version of iTunes
Quickpwn 2.2


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Nov 26, 2008
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I have the same problem, i have tried this two times today, and the same result, i have checked evrey thing i have read in other posts, and no change, any sugestions? can i keep trying this and restoring with itunes witout a risk of a bricked phone?

I have a 3G Iphone and windows Vista, 8.02 itunes


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Nov 26, 2008
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Ok, Problem solved for me, after havng the reboot problem I restored in itunes as a new iphone, then i tried the JB again, and it worked fine.


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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Same thing happened to me. After upgrading to 2.2, I noticed that some of the jailbreak features were available (numeric battery status in top right corner). When using QuickPwn, I figured I would have this issue, as this is the same type of issue you can have with restoring a jailbreak backup.