Dark mode helps reduce screen brightness, right?
Plus, it looks cool.
OLED reduces it some. But not as much as like someone turning brightness from 100% to 30% brightness.
Dark mode helps reduce screen brightness, right?
Plus, it looks cool.
OLED reduces it some. But not as much as like someone turning brightness from 100% to 30% brightness.
I use dark mode and have brightness at about 50%.
I'm set up the same way. My eyes like it so I like it. I could really care less about battery drainage. I have multiple chargers everywhere through out my home.
I'm set up the same way. My eyes like it so I like it. I could really care less about battery drainage. I have multiple chargers everywhere through out my home.
I’m the same way…my eyes REALLY enjoy dark mode. TG Apple gave us this option
I could care less about battery also…my brightness is usually between 1/4 to 1/2 way.
I’m with y’all. My eyes PREFER dark mode. I’m having cataract surgery next week. We’ll see what happens then.
Ohhhhh good luck Prince!! I just had laser on both my eyes each separate surgeries. R one two weeks ago, L one today, for angle narrowing because of my diabetes. Wasn’t fun, but my left eye wasn’t as bad as my right eye. Still hurts like a b!tch tho! Lol Light sensitivity is reeeeediCULOUS. Eye patch is a must
Best of luck to you next week
SORRY prince, I put the wrong name!
I’m with y’all. My eyes PREFER dark mode. I’m having cataract surgery next week. We’ll see what happens then.
Thanks Pink. I’m having surgery on the right eye next Friday. Then the left one two weeks later. I can’t wait to see clear again!!