iPad 4 prepaid Data LTE


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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I had questions of how the prepaid worked after googling and call Verizon
I thought I would share so other can save some time

When you buy data via the iPad for prepaid its good for one month or 30 days whatever comes first
Use it or lose it

If all you did was purchase a data plan then after 30 days or when you run out it will auto renew and buy another bucket of data
if you ran out of data before this date then it will charge you the moment you run out and then the new data 30 day limit starts over

You can change your plan at any time but it will not kick in until you use the data you already bought first or it has been 30 days and the previous data expired

If you want to stop this auto Renew

After buying your data plan then go into settings and press cancel plan
Make sure to select cancel later and not press cancel now

By doing cancel later this will cause it to not auto renew so when you use all your data or its been 30 days .. You get cut off until you buy more

If you press cancel now and not later it will delete your account immediately cut off your service and fry your SIM card ..
Only way to get it working again is to get a new sim

If you do the cancel later .. You have 5 months to buy another data plan if you don't Verizon will auto delete your account and this will fry your SIM card


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2008
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Thanks for this overview. As I just picked up a LTE iPad this answered a lot of my pay as you go questions. I'm a little concerned with the concept of frying the SIM due to non use. For the OP - did Verizon say anything about why they do this or if there is some way to keep the account alive even if i don't use it? The who idea of getting the cellular data capability is to be able to use it when I need it. I may not go 5 months without using cellular, but imagine the scenario if i did. I'd be pissed.
Can anyone else jump in here with there experience? I wonder if a simple phone call to Verizon just before the 5 month deadline would prevent issues?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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Thanks for this overview. As I just picked up a LTE iPad this answered a lot of my pay as you go questions. I'm a little concerned with the concept of frying the SIM due to non use. For the OP - did Verizon say anything about why they do this or if there is some way to keep the account alive even if i don't use it? The who idea of getting the cellular data capability is to be able to use it when I need it. I may not go 5 months without using cellular, but imagine the scenario if i did. I'd be pissed.
Can anyone else jump in here with there experience? I wonder if a simple phone call to Verizon just before the 5 month deadline would prevent issues?

My understanding is the sim gets assigned a phone number and that go to your pre paid account .. When you cancel later the account it still open and active
If you use the now option or 5 months since the last use the system deletes your account so that sim can not be used because its tied the number on the deleted account

When you sign back up with a new account it issues a new number so it needs a new sim ..

The reason I think they do this is because they want to recycle the numbers because people who used the data option once and never again are holding a number hostage that is not getting used

Sent from my iPhone 5 from a galaxy far far away (in the USA ) using Tapatalk !

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