I never thought I'd say this but...

Dec 26, 2012
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After decades of being a diehard Windows PC user, 2 years of being a Google/Android user and fan, and a long time disliker of Apple I'm very seriously considering moving both my smartphone AND tablet ecosystem of to Apple. This is no whim but based on years of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. For years I've been trying to create the "perfect" gadget solutions for myself. But I had an epiphany today and realized that: All of Apple's competitors have too many problems.


With MS I really wanted to like WP8 and W8 Tablets. The UI is quite nice, is fluid, and the devices look good and solid. But once you scratch the surface (pardon the pun) you discover a multitude of little shortcomings and imperfections on all of the devices. Some lag more than others, some OEM's devices have too many bugs or defects bugs according to one group, while the other group insists theirs are the least buggy. WP8 itself has started to tread down the dark and unpleasant path of carrier controlled updates made worse by differing hardware OEM's. Do I get an Atom CPU tablet? Ivy bridge? Wait for Haswell? Bay Bridge? Which OEM has the best reliability track record? Which device has the least problems with firmware? Driver support? Where are the apps? Will Windows RT survive? Oh and here's my personal (not) favorite (which also applies to Android): Will the WP8 phone I want be on my carrier?


Not going to lie to you. Android offers a freaking huge list of features nobody else does and allows you to do virtually anything on your devices. But the cost is too high for me lately. Once again, there's the finger nail biting over which brand to buy because of fragmentation, choosing which OEM makes the highest quality, which OEM has the most XDA developer love, which OEM has the fastest OTA updates (which also varies from year to year!) and on and on and on. The devices themselves still aren't as up to snuff as Apple's quality control, but with the ball being in Apple's court that I can just walk into an Apple store for a fix. I take Google's joke of a laptop (the "chromebook pixel") as somewhat of an indicator of where Google's head is at for technology. Compare that to any current Macbook and there's no contest. Macbooks >Windows 8 laptops >>>>>>>> Chromebooks. If the Chromebook Pixel is an indicator on Google's vision of technology, then I'm beginning to think Android 4.2 is the best we're ever going to see out of them. As for the Nexus phones, they're good... for $350. I wouldn't pay $600 for one though, that's for sure.


This had promise for me until they crammed a 2 year old version of Android in it as a virtual runtime. To be honest I wouldn't be happy with the most recent version. I don't want a hybrid OS. I understand why BB did it - because they had no choice really so from a smart business viewpoint it was a wise decision. But I don't like it. Luckily for BB, the average buyer won't be the wiser. However, it is one single OEM making their own OS (like Apple) which is a big plus. But the bottom line is I'll never be an early adopter of any tech. I'll give them and their app store a year or two to percolate because they have their own fairly significant (for me) share of issues at these early stages.

It's inevitable that some offended users of the above listed platforms are going to take exception to my point of view of those companies. Rest assured folks I could list quite a few more criticisms so I don;t want you to get the wrong idea that this is all I have to say about them, but I don't want to make this any longer than it already is.

The bottom line - The catchphrase that Apple critics hate when Apple owners use it: "It just works" is something I'm finally going to concede is simply true. Yes iOS is boring and hasn't changed really much at all externally for a long time as mobile tech measures time. But Apple makes the most reliable mobile devices, proven every year, they have the highest quality app store on the planet, and the performance of their devices is top notch. That's something that I just can't ignore, nor can I ignore the fact that all the discrepancies that WP and Android devices suffer from between different OEM's makes choosing a device a headache and an exercise in uncertainty. Some will disagree with the response "choice is better". I used to believe that as well until I realized that when all of those choices haven't yet matched Apple's reliability, customer satisfaction and review ratings, then it's not very much of a choice at all.

footnote: I see no reason to believe Apple is simply going to sit on their hands and not modernize the UI of iOS within the year. They have some of the world's top notch designers and engineers and the wallet to afford it.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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The issues you list are why in the last year I went from an iPhone 4 to Lumia 900 to Galaxy Nexus to iPhone 5. I have a Nexus 4, but I just don't have any urge to use it over my trusty iPhone. Like you said, it's nice...for $350.


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Oct 1, 2009
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footnote: I see no reason to believe Apple is simply going to sit on their hands and not modernize the UI of iOS within the year. They have some of the world's top notch designers and engineers and the wallet to afford it.

I doubt they'll change it too much. Look at the original Mac OS. 1 through 9 looked very similar. OS X 10.0 compared to 10.8 look similar, with minor UI changes. I think they'll tweak the interface, but not a significant overhaul.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
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Well put. Good explanation as to why Apple products are the best. "It just works" is the slogan and they stand behind that.

Tappin and Talkin from my iPhone 5


Sep 7, 2010
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People just don't get it...Apple isn't going to revamp their UI on iOS, they'll continue polishing it and they'll offer more features and a nicely enhanced version on each upcoming iPhone, but a full reconfiguration is just not going to happen, and the people complaining about stagnancy are just going to keep complaining...and Apple is going to break records with each device...and the majority of the consumer base, which actually PREFERS the consistency between iOS releases will continue being satisfied...which is why Apple finds such great success with this device year in and year out.

OP gets it. Well said (though i don't agree with the very last part).
Dec 26, 2012
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People just don't get it...Apple isn't going to revamp their UI on iOS, they'll continue polishing it and they'll offer more features and a nicely enhanced version on each upcoming iPhone, but a full reconfiguration is just not going to happen, and the people complaining about stagnancy are just going to keep complaining...and Apple is going to break records with each device...and the majority of the consumer base, which actually PREFERS the consistency between iOS releases will continue being satisfied...which is why Apple finds such great success with this device year in and year out.

OP gets it. Well said (though i don't agree with the very last part).

I don't disagree with you on that, I'm guessing that they may make some slight changes though, maybe spice up the multi tasking or something. Just guessing though.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2012
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I don't disagree with you on that, I'm guessing that they may make some slight changes though, maybe spice up the multi tasking or something. Just guessing though.

All they need to do is open up their OS a bit. Zephyr adds so much to iOS multitasking. I honestly got angry whenever I had to pick up my phone until I jailbroke it and installed Zephyr.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
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Well put, I'm a very much converted. I have given android a chance but there is just something missing. Mind you I'm the type that likes to customize any OS I put my hands into but even with that gets old after a while. Apple products defines quality and intuitiveness. There is just something about apple devices that will always set them apart from everyone else. Sure competitors can offer all this extra features that makes apple seemed behind. But the truth is it is beyond that and they will never figure out Apple's formula of success. Apple has its own identity while others are trying to catch up and define an identity for themselves. We all know by now what the 5s might be and what ios 7 might offer and many will complain and feel its underwhelming changes. Along with Android haters having somehow to always find the time and feel the need to bash Apple. I guarantee you it will sell like hotcakes! Why? Because its Apple!

John Yester

Moderator Team Leader
May 23, 2012
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Early 2012....

Sold BlackBerry device and Sold Playbook

Bought a iPhone 4S.....

Now, I have two iPhone 4S, White and Black.. A MacBook Pro 17" :) ..... a New iPad - 16 GB WiFi

So yes awesome, solid and addictive.


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Feb 3, 2012
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Got my iPhone 5 and I upgraded from a 16gb white 4s to a 32gb black 5. Gave the 4s to my wife to upgrade from her iPhone 4. Now come March 23rd I'm getting my new 27" iMac and giving the wife my custom built windows comp.

Sent from the dark recesses of my mind using Tapatalk 2


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Mar 7, 2013
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I can't agree more. I have seen the fragmentation issue since the J2ME devices running on Nokia OSes. If SUN couldn't solve them I was 100% sure Google will not be able to solve them either with multiple manufacturers. With update cycles varying from device to deviceit is almost headache choosing I device. I have used Windows Phone, Android and BB devices and from the quality point of view Apple devices are consistent whereas in all other vendors it is a varied experience from good to bad to ugly. I have programmed and built apps for all these device and even ran a business based on device fragmentation and I can vouch for that Apple with its tight control is the only stable and consistent performer out there.


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Mar 2, 2013
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I have quite a few different platforms at home atm. My main phone is a iPhone 5 ,for work I have a Blackberry Z10 and an old HTC HD2 for PDA usage.

My first "smart phones " were Nokia Symbians 6600>N70>N73 then I moved into Windows mobile HTC Blue Angel>Kaiser>Blackstone>Leo which at the time I liked however after getting the wife an iPhone 3GS i saw just how bad the internet browsing was on WM, I must have spent every week re-flashing my Leo to the latest ROM's first from Dutty then others once he left it was tiresome setting it up all the time trying to get it as smooth as her 3GS, I then converted my Leo to Android Froyo which was much better than WM but not everything worked like it should so I spent most of my time re-flashing it with new roms still.

After a while I just gave up sold it (at a great loss) and bought a HTC sensation as it was touted as the best thing with dual cores(wish I'd got the Samsung galaxy though) however it was a great let down even when new crashes for no reason were the norm, camera could sometimes give great shots other times not so good and the cam-corder suffered the worst mains banding from lighting I had seen but what really narked me and I couldn't fix was the rubbish audio over bluetooth, I had a Bury cc9060 hands free car kit in my car which allows music streaming however the Sensation always had a crackling sound with the music (even an old Blackberry 8310 I had worked better for music) and it also didn't display Artist/Track info like my older HD2 did.

I updated it to ICS when it finally came out but that made no difference so it had to go(at a big loss again). I replaced it with a Nokia Lumia 710 (only ?140 new sim free) which is a great budget phone phone it was faster than the HTC(which lagged soo bad) and just worked, no crashes or issues and the music quality was miles better than HTC's the screen resolution is a bit low though 800x480 and the camera is only a 5meg (but not a good 5meg like the old N95)

I swapped that for the iphone 5 and have to say it has given me no issues or problems and I have no need to jailbreak or mess with things, the sound quality is better than my Lumia and the camera is much better, the Lumia is a great phone for the money though, I do miss the larger screen of my older devices however.

I once bought a Archos 101internet tablet (Android) ,bloody hell they were crap even in the day, I swapped that with a Blackberry Playbook 64GB which I have to say is a good device with great audio speakers but the app support is limited ( I can't get a good Google Maps for it and I have tried all of them on the store) I have a iPad3 64GB now as my main tablet but still use the playbook from time to time but it will have to go soon I think. One thing iI liked better with the Playbook is the fact that even the wifi PB has GPS built in where as my iPad3 wifi does not(and annoyingly I can't connect my old GPS BT Antenna to it).

I tried tethering it to my iphone 5 (unlocked and tether is on) but the GPS on the ipad using Apple maps won't track me , gets a location but won't track while moving is it supposed to?

That brings me to my latest work phone the Blackberry Z10 running BB10 I have to say it is a nice piece of kit, screen is very nice its light and thin in the hand and the camera is better than most of the reviews give it credit for, however I still wouldn't have it as my main phone again because they aren't that many apps for it, and Google have no apps out for it at all, even apps i bought for my playbook won't work on it(or aren't yet available)

The wife is now just waiting for the iPhone 5s to come out as she prefers my 5 to her 4s


Nov 15, 2010
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I just did the same thing. I had a 4S when it came out but I missed Android after a few months. Plus a 3.5" screen wasn't cutting it for me. I am now on the iPhone 5 and I love it. It would take one helluva Android phone to pull me away. I also have my Mac Mini that I love and I plan on adding a 13" MacBook Pro or Air. I have been sucked in and I'm not sure I want to leave. I blame my wife and her Apple ecosystem.


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Feb 6, 2013
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I dont like it when people buy a particular brand just for the brand. Buying an Apple product just because its an Apple product is stupid.

If, however, you weigh the options for each device and decide that Apple is best for you, then that is smart shopping. They do make some good products, which suit some people more than other. OP, it seems thats exactly what you did- bravo!

But from anecdotal evidence, I think you're in the minority.

BlackBerry Guy

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Mar 4, 2011
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No device is perfect, you just have to do your home work, see which one checks the most boxes for you and has weaknesses you're willing to accept and go from there. One of the reasons I have both BlackBerry and Apple products that I use daily :)


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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People just don't get it...Apple isn't going to revamp their UI on iOS, they'll continue polishing it and they'll offer more features and a nicely enhanced version on each upcoming iPhone, but a full reconfiguration is just not going to happen, and the people complaining about stagnancy are just going to keep complaining...and Apple is going to break records with each device...and the majority of the consumer base, which actually PREFERS the consistency between iOS releases will continue being satisfied...which is why Apple finds such great success with this device year in and year out.

OP gets it. Well said (though i don't agree with the very last part).

This time last year iOS to me was boring, old, and stagnant. After experiencing the other platforms iOS to me now is familiar, secure, and reliable.

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