How to convert Itunes to MP3
How to mass convert Itunes to mp3
If you?re like me you have scoured the internet looking for a way to convert all of your Itunes to mp3 files. I search high and low for a way to do a mass conversion and was only able to find how to do it one at a time. After a month of frustration I started my search over and finally found a way to do this.
1. Open Itunes and select My Music.
2. Highlight a song from your list, and hit Ctrl + A to highlight all songs or hold Crtl and highlight the songs you want to convert.
3. Next select File from the tool bar in the top left corn
4. From the list select Create New Version another list will appear select Create MP3 Version
5. Follow the on screen prompts and will see Itunes creating a MP3 version under each song.
6. Now you need to sort the MP3?s from the rest. Right Click in the sort columns and check Date Modified.
7. Once you see that column click on it. You should now see Todays Date and Time.
8. Finally Minimize Itunes, create a New Folder on your desktop. (or wherever you like) Maximize Itunes, highlight the New Versions then Right Click select Copy and paste into New Folder.
9. To delete the duplicates just Highlight them right click and select Delete
How to mass convert Itunes to mp3
If you?re like me you have scoured the internet looking for a way to convert all of your Itunes to mp3 files. I search high and low for a way to do a mass conversion and was only able to find how to do it one at a time. After a month of frustration I started my search over and finally found a way to do this.
1. Open Itunes and select My Music.
2. Highlight a song from your list, and hit Ctrl + A to highlight all songs or hold Crtl and highlight the songs you want to convert.
3. Next select File from the tool bar in the top left corn
4. From the list select Create New Version another list will appear select Create MP3 Version
5. Follow the on screen prompts and will see Itunes creating a MP3 version under each song.
6. Now you need to sort the MP3?s from the rest. Right Click in the sort columns and check Date Modified.
7. Once you see that column click on it. You should now see Todays Date and Time.
8. Finally Minimize Itunes, create a New Folder on your desktop. (or wherever you like) Maximize Itunes, highlight the New Versions then Right Click select Copy and paste into New Folder.
9. To delete the duplicates just Highlight them right click and select Delete