How important is it to get Apple Care for a Mac mini?

Jul 16, 2016
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How important is it to get apple care for a Mac mini

I am unsure on whether to go out and get the apple care support for my Mac mini, I have had the Mac for 11 moths and have had no problems on it, even with having beta versions of El Capitan and now macOS Sierra. I understand getting it for mobile devices , but my Mac mini has never moved, I am just want to know if it is worth the $79.00 (student price) to get.


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Aug 14, 2015
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Re: How important is it to get apple care for a Mac mini

I am unsure on whether to go out and get the apple care support for my Mac mini, I have had the Mac for 11 moths and have had no problems on it, even with having beta versions of El Capitan and now macOS Sierra. I understand getting it for mobile devices , but my Mac mini has never moved, I am just want to know if it is worth the $79.00 (student price) to get.

Absolutely recommend it! Just for the peace of mind. I have always purchased it for every new Apple device I have ever owned. Have only needed it once, but it more than paid for itself. I had a custom order iMac that had many issues over a 20 month period. It would have cost me less to buy a new computer than have it repaired. It was in for repairs 5 times before Apple replaced it with a new one. All the problems started after the 1 year mark.

I would have had to buy a new computer had it not been for AppleCare. It is worth every cent and paid for itself five times over for me. I have purchased it and never used it for many devices, but that one time taught me how important it can be.


Aug 4, 2012
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Re: How important is it to get apple care for a Mac mini

I have had three mac minis starting with the original and now I have the latest and never purchased Apple care for any of them. I buy apple care for all my iPhones and iPads but never for a Mac that isn't a laptop. Never had an issue. My previous Mac mini was the original dual core core duo and I sold it last year and it was still running, although it couldn't go past snow leopard. Your mileage may vary......
Jul 16, 2016
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Re: How important is it to get apple care for a Mac mini

Absolutely recommend it! Just for the peace of mind. I have always purchased it for every new Apple device I have ever owned. Have only needed it once, but it more than paid for itself. I had a custom order iMac that had many issues over a 20 month period. It would have cost me less to buy a new computer than have it repaired. It was in for repairs 5 times before Apple replaced it with a new one. All the problems started after the 1 year mark.

I would have had to buy a new computer had it not been for AppleCare. It is worth every cent and paid for itself five times over for me. I have purchased it and never used it for many devices, but that one time taught me how important it can be.

I did buy it under your recommendation... hopefully I don't have to use it. But the peace of mind is nice

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