Using a plus on a daily basis , have you guys phone it to be more of a pain than a joy to carry around in the car,gym, at work or home, can someone share your experiences with your 6s plus?
Love it. This is my second iteration of the plus and I would never go back to a smaller phone. I carry it in my front pocket with no issues. For work I wear cargo type pants so no real issues. I'm not a hipster so I don't paint my jeans on. And around the house I'm mostly in cargo shorts. As far a usage I've never really been a one handed user but when I need to it not that big of a deal. I don't generally walk around staring at my phone holding a cup of coffee so I don't get as aggravated as some do. Al in all I really love the size.
I am averaging 6-7 hours usage on the 6S between full charges. Mileage will vary but I think that should be a reasonable expectation depending on what you keep running, brightness levels, etc.