...but this phone can do more than the iPhone.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I will never understand why some people lose their minds when they tell me all the things their device can do that the iPhone can’t and I still choose the iPhone over what they have.

Not only do they get angry, but they dismiss me as a blind, loyal and ignorant lemming. I love it because it never occurs to them that my needs are not the same as theirs. In addition, they can’t fathom the fact that the simplicity of using the iPhone, Apple’s amazing support and the seamless integration of its services are perfect for me.

I’ve used a mobile phone since 1989 and that has included numerous brands, including Apple. With that in mind, how is it that I’m viewed as being unfairly judgmental against any brand other than Apple when I’ve used mobile phones for 18 years prior to the release of the original iPhone in 2007 and then went on to use several brands AFTER buying my first iPhone in 2008? If anyone is biased, it’s those who claim that I am........What do you think?
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Jun 7, 2010
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What do you think?
That you may be a bit sensitive if this bothers you :rotfl:

I say "Who cares?" Like Rob said, if people are that crazy about it, they need to get over it. What you choose and what they choose are allowed to be different, and it shouldn't matter.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
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It blows my mind how people that don’t want to use and iPhone feels the need to bad mouth Apple. It’s like they have little brother syndrome or something. Typical Apple users are happy with iPhone and don’t really care if you don’t like it but they get mad that we don’t like what they do.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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It blows my mind how people that don’t want to use and iPhone feels the need to bad mouth Apple. It’s like they have little brother syndrome or something. Typical Apple users are happy with iPhone and don’t really care if you don’t like it but they get mad that we don’t like what they do.

You are spot-on, sir...


Mar 11, 2013
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I get the new feature pitch whenever some one buys an LG or as I call them gadget phones. They demo something and I never see them use it again

I found the Apple stables are used weekly or daily and are designed to be usual so I’m not tempted with gimmicks


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I get the new feature pitch whenever some one buys an LG or as I call them gadget phones. They demo something and I never see them use it again

I found the Apple stables are used weekly or daily and are designed to be usual so I’m not tempted with gimmicks

To be fair, the iPhone has gimmicks of its own, and in my opinion, Animojis are probably the biggest gimmicks.


Mar 11, 2013
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To be fair, the iPhone has gimmicks of its own, and in my opinion, Animojis are probably the biggest gimmicks.

I actually use Animojis at least a dozen times a week on a group chat with some former Co-workers. Really gets my point across. Lol

Looking forward to the memoji

Guess a good gimmick is nice to have 🧐


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I actually use Animojis at least a dozen times a week on a group chat with some former Co-workers. Really gets my point across. Lol

Looking forward to the memoji

Guess a good gimmick is nice to have 🧐

(Laughing)....What da heck, man! No matter how old we get, we will still be boys at heart, right...🤪


Jun 2, 2011
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I actually use Animojis at least a dozen times a week on a group chat with some former Co-workers. Really gets my point across. Lol

Looking forward to the memoji

Guess a good gimmick is nice to have 🧐

^This!!!! Nothing says you’re annoying like the Animoji sticking it’s tongue out

(Laughing)....What da heck, man! No matter how old we get, we will still be boys at heart, right...🤪

Girls too My grown kid sent me a text (mom & kids group chat) telling me I’m childish sometimes...then I respond with the 🦖 Animoji saying “I know you are but what am I”🤣🤣 Animojis are pretty darn hilarious!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2016
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I can use any phone as long as it’s a iPhone :) I just sold my X and using a 8 now for a week and no problems, I have a iMac and iPad and ATV. Have been down the Android road with Samsung/HTC etc, too much stuffing around.
I need good service and easy back ups and Apple/iPhones give that.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2016
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I can use any phone as long as it’s a iPhone :) I just sold my X and using a 8 now for a week and no problems, I have a iMac and iPad and ATV. Have been down the Android road with Samsung/HTC etc, too much stuffing around.
I need good service and easy back ups and Apple/iPhones give that.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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I was a late entry to the mobile phone market and waited until you could pick them up with one hand, had a few, none of which had a keyboard that lasted more than a year. Later a friend gave me an unneeded 3Gs and once I learned to use it was very happy with the things it did. I shall stay with Apple as I have absolutely no desire to learn another operating system when I don’t need to. To get to the point if I had one ! I have never been impressed with the “ look what my phone can do !” school of thought, and am certain that most of us only use a fraction of what their devices are capable of. Clever tricks that you learn to do and don’t use are forgotten and some of the stuff you can do does not function well. So unless you like to show off, we use what functionality we feel that is needed for our own use, not someone else’s.
And Apple phones just work.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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I will never understand why some people lose their minds when they tell me all the things their device can do that the iPhone can’t

Actually what's funny is them telling you/me what their phones can do and don't know how to use the features or never use those features (laughing).
People in general just want their decision on which smartphone they choose to be the best decision for everybody, and everyone should follow their lead regardless of anyone else's needs/wants. It's called forcing your will on people and honestly haven't we had enough of that. WE are all different and I don't want to be like you anyway...LOL


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2016
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While I never had a Windows phone, I had an Android phone since Android launched. Loved the Android OS and the customization. Then I got into the Google / Nexus / Pixel devices and became a "mad rommer". I'd flash several roms every single day. All this time my wife was 100% Apple. the on thing I noticed all those years was that she never had an issue with her devices, and hardly ever had to reboot them, while I was constantly tinkering and tweaking to keep mine running.

Then I tried my first iPhone and been hooked ever since.

Yes, your device may have 1000000 features that mine don't. Well goody for you and your device. However, my iPhone works. PERIOD!


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Mar 23, 2011
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Everyone should just use what works for themselves and quit worrying about what anyone else uses. Who cares? I totally agree with you. I don't know any other product that is so polarizing. I love my Note 8 and my iPhone X. They are both amazing devices. Totally different experiences though. I could pick 2 or 3 people out of my friends and family that I would actually recommend the Note to over the iPhone though. For most people, their phone use does not match up to the Note, but matches perfectly with an iPhone.

I think half these people that are critical of iPhones or whatever they deem inferior, don't even use most of the features they brag about. 🤦🏼*♂️🤷🏼*♂️


Trusted Member
Oct 17, 2013
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It's what works... Sometimes I use the X,. Out and about and I want great photos of the kids I use the S8+

That combo just simply works for me


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2008
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I only find what enthusiasts have to say about smartphones in general to be important. Whether it be online or people I know personally. It's mostly the former. If it's someone that isn't really knowledgeable I forget about the exchange seconds after it happens and don't carry it with me.


Feb 6, 2012
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I've gotta be honest...outside of forums, the topic of phones doesn't come up much since I left the wireless industry. For the most part, people use what they want and there is little criticism about it. I've got a few friends who are glued to their Android devices. The most we complain about is the green bubbles, lol. (I really do dislike SMS texts these days).

As far as what people think about my phone of choice...anyone who KNOWS me knows that I swim around. I was just using the Galaxy S8 last year and enjoyed it. I use what I enjoy and recognize the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms.

I think we should all use what we enjoy. If others don't like it...who cares? Unless they want to pay my cell phone bill, they can keep their mouths closed lol.


Mar 27, 2015
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I also have been around cell phone industry from the early days and still had my original Motorola Brick that required using the mobile operator to make a call until last year when I donated it to a museum.

I have had many many brands since the early days and I am still loyal to both the Apple and Blackberry brands.

I never paid much attention to what folks thought about the phones I was using and have always bought what I felt was the best device that filled my needs at that time.

When it comes to Apple, I have always said you get what you pay for. I converted to Mac from PC back in 2008 and never looked back.

I still feel Apple has the best customer support and warranty in the business and the build quality of their devices is second to none.

I will say I am also loyal to Blackberry and they will also hold a special place in my heart. My favorite device will always be my Blackberry 7100i which I traveled to world with and it never let me down.

My current device is my iPhone X which I have had since launch day and still Love the device. I am buying a Blackberry Key2 to play around with and as I said, I will always be loyal to both brands.
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