Best NON-Glass Screen Protector for iPhone X?


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Mar 8, 2012
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Hi all:

Long story short I dropped my phone and it cracked a bit. Not a big crack, but since I’m on the upgrade program and have been seeing ads that Apple care + is included I decided to go to Apple and get the screen fixed for $30. The Genius Bar guy I had an appointment with pointed out Apple care + wasn’t showing up, but asking to wait while he figured it out - said I needed to wait 20-30 mins while I spoke with someone on the phone.

About 20 mins later he came back and basically said “ohhh I totally forgot, we only started including apple care + for the XS and XR this year, it was never included in the upgrade program for the original X unless you were in the store.

After “thanking” him for wasting my time and declining to pay the the ridiculous $279 to replace my screen, I decided to get the Zagg invisible shield tempered glass screen protector. Within a week two of the corners cracked, massively and it already has a couple of nice scratches.

Soooo... what is the best screen protector I can buy that WON’T crack in 5 days and isn’t prone to scratching easily?

Thanks in advance!


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Sep 17, 2015
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If you want a really good non-glass one, Rhinoshield Impact Protection hands down. As far as AC+ not being part of the Upgrade Program, umm assuming you're talking about the official iPhone Upgrade Program from Apple, that's BS. It's been part of it since it started with the 6s/6s+ phones. I've bought a 6s+, 7+, and X all on the Upgrade Program and they all have it included. You might want to go check with another store or something. Sounds like the guy didn't know what he was doing or you're not on the program you thought you were (straight up financing vs upgrade program or something).


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Mar 8, 2012
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If you want a really good non-glass one, Rhinoshield Impact Protection hands down. As far as AC+ not being part of the Upgrade Program, umm assuming you're talking about the official iPhone Upgrade Program from Apple, that's BS. It's been part of it since it started with the 6s/6s+ phones. I've bought a 6s+, 7+, and X all on the Upgrade Program and they all have it included. You might want to go check with another store or something. Sounds like the guy didn't know what he was doing or you're not on the program you thought you were (straight up financing vs upgrade program or something).

Thank you for the quick reply, I will look into Rhinoshield!

His reasoning was that when the iPhoneX went live, since I picked Verizon as my carrier, even though I ordered through, it automatically entered me in the “Verizon Upgrade Program” (which I did not know existed) and said that the only way to get AC+ for the iPhoneX on an upgrade program was to have bought the device in store.

There was definitely no arguing with him, and I had already wasted about an hour (with driving and wait times in the store). Since the crack really isn’t bad (small crack on the bottom left), I decided to leave it and just get a screen protector until the 2019 iPhones come out and I upgrade (or I really destroy the screen and then I’ll pony up for the replacement).
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Sep 17, 2015
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Thank you for the quick reply, I will look into Rhinoshield!

His reasoning was that when the iPhoneX went live, since I picked Verizon as my carrier, even though I ordered through, it automatically entered me in the “Verizon Upgrade Program” (which I did not know existed) and said that the only way to get AC+ for the iPhoneX on an upgrade program was to have bought the device in store.

There was definitely no arguing with him, and I had already wasted about an hour (with driving and wait times in the store). Since the crack really isn’t bad (small crack on the bottom left), I decided to leave it and just get a screen protector until the 2019 iPhones come out and I upgrade (or I really destroy the screen and then I’ll pony up for the replacement).

Ouch, that sucks. Yeah when you go through the checkout stuff there are different payment options including choosing one of the carrier plans. Sounds like that's what accidentally happened. Mine is definitely through Apple even though my carrier is AT&T. My payments go to Citizen's One every month not AT&T and the overall price reflected that AC+ was included. You definitely don't need to go in to a store to buy on iUP, just have to double check that the right options are set at checkout. Hopefully it's not something stupid like a Verizon thing that forces them to use Verizon's program. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2012
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Ouch, that sucks. Yeah when you go through the checkout stuff there are different payment options including choosing one of the carrier plans. Sounds like that's what accidentally happened. Mine is definitely through Apple even though my carrier is AT&T. My payments go to Citizen's One every month not AT&T and the overall price reflected that AC+ was included. You definitely don't need to go in to a store to buy on iUP, just have to double check that the right options are set at checkout. Hopefully it's not something stupid like a Verizon thing that forces them to use Verizon's program. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Sadly, I wouldn’t be either. Regardless, since I’ve kept the X, it will be “paid off” after the two years are up, and when I purchase the 2019 iPhone (XI? 11? Haha) I’ll be sure to go directly through apple!

Thanks for your advice; I’ve purchased one of the Rhinoshield protectors through amazon and it should be here in two days!


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Sep 17, 2015
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Sadly, I wouldn’t be either. Regardless, since I’ve kept the X, it will be “paid off” after the two years are up, and when I purchase the 2019 iPhone (XI? 11? Haha) I’ll be sure to go directly through apple!

Thanks for your advice; I’ve purchased one of the Rhinoshield protectors through amazon and it should be here in two days!

Nice, curious to know how you like it. I had one on my 7+ before I pulled it off cause I was getting a Lifeproof Fre that I ended up not keeping. It was nice other than realizing the non-glass protectors smudge a lot quicker than the glass ones. For not being glass though, the Rhino ones feel really good. Yeah I've held on to my X as well this time instead of upgrading again last year. I got really excited at the rumor that we were gonna see USB-C this year but now that's looking like it is just a rumor. Still, hopefully there will be something decent to make it worth it this year.


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Mar 8, 2012
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Nice, curious to know how you like it. I had one on my 7+ before I pulled it off cause I was getting a Lifeproof Fre that I ended up not keeping. It was nice other than realizing the non-glass protectors smudge a lot quicker than the glass ones. For not being glass though, the Rhino ones feel really good. Yeah I've held on to my X as well this time instead of upgrading again last year. I got really excited at the rumor that we were gonna see USB-C this year but now that's looking like it is just a rumor. Still, hopefully there will be something decent to make it worth it this year.

Been using the rhino shield for a few days now and it’s been perfect! Can’t really tell it’s not glass - no scratches/cracks/bubbles at all. Thanks for the recommendation!


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Nov 22, 2016
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Love my Secondskin Lite. I hear the Rhinoshield is good too but I was able to get next day shipping to UK. I'm not crazy about the glass ones myself, it doesn't seem to matter which one I buy they always seem to crack or chip.


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Apr 26, 2011
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With dozens each of iPads, iPhones and Android tablets at our work sites we cannot afford the premium protectors thought a few buy them. The premium protectors don't see to save devices noticeably better than others. iCarez brand, Tranium (glass) and some thin glass ones from eBay that ship from Chicago for $3.50 seem fine. The matte iCarez are popular.

It's not hard to get fast and good at putting protectors on. Especially when you're paying barely more than $0.50 to $1. Some give you templates or aids. You can line them up, tape and hinge them with blue painters tape too.

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