Battery is bad and Apple refused to replace it.


Oct 7, 2016
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My 6s battery recently give me like 3 hours of screen time and 4 mins of facetime cost me 20%.
I've tried to full restore the phone without restoring any back up and the problem did not seem to go away. Downloaded an app name battery life and it said my battery wear level is 36%.
Went to Apple store, they ran diagnostic and tolf me to go home because the battery is fine. Told him one more time about my problem, he stared to question me like a criminal like how I charge it, what kind of charger I use and then told me he cant help since his Ipad said my battery is fine.
I went home called Apple told them again, she make me an appointment for battery replacement.
I went back to Apple Store yesterday and the rep refused to change my battery again because her ipad said my phone is fine. She blame me for leaving the Bluetooth on and have background app refresh enabled. Like really? Ive been using the phone exactly the same way since I got this phone and it used to give me 6-7 screen time until the last 2 months. It happened before the iOS 10 update so I know It was not IOS 10 related. I also have another 6s with the same setting and same apps, same data and it still gives me decent battery life. She refused to believe the fact I gave her and kept telling me Ive been using it wrong ( sound familiar). She also said each phone have different characters so even they are the same every thing but their battery life will be different.
After 1 hours of fighting back and forth I had enough and I told her I dont care my phone is still under warranty and I have Apple care plus. I want my battery changed and I will pay for it. She still refused to do so because her ipad said nothing is wrong with my phone.

Basically I am the unlucky one who get the phone that have a weird character than others and I have to stuck with 3 hours battery life phone with nothing can be done because their ipad said my phone is fine.

All of this problem because I want to be honest, I can just break it and have them replace the whole new phone for $100 and 5 mins of my time.


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Feb 12, 2011
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I would go back and ask to speak with someone else. Or I would call apple and ask them to rectify the situation


Oct 7, 2016
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I would go back and ask to speak with someone else. Or I would call apple and ask them to rectify the situation

Already did. I called Apple and the rep told me to come to the store to have my battery replaced. Came to the store and the rep refused to replace it even though I said I would pay. So totally Ive talked to 2 different reps and one blame me for using car charger and one blame me for having Bluetooth on, and both refused to replace it even though I said I will pay.

Larry Cook1

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Sep 3, 2014
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Just as an aside I don't believe those 3rd party battery apps are accurate at all. I had them downloaded before and didn't find them helpful at all.


Oct 7, 2016
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Just as an aside I don't believe those 3rd party battery apps are accurate at all. I had them downloaded before and didn't find them helpful at all.

I would not trust those either but it makes more sense to me since the phone gives me only 3 hrs of screen time while the rep say my phone is fine.


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May 1, 2015
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My 5s suddenly changed from good to poor battery life a few months ago. I was doing nothing different so I don't know why. Fiddling with settings and doing this and that made no difference. I uninstalled a couple of apps which were probably harmless, because uninstalling them also on my 4s, which has always had poor battery life, made little difference to that. Then came the 10.0.1 upgrade on the 5s and a return to good battery. I'm inclined to think that the upgrade did something, but I don't know what.
I'm sorry, this won't help you solve your problem, but you're not alone, and it may possibly be a software thing rather than battery.


Oct 7, 2016
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My 5s suddenly changed from good to poor battery life a few months ago. I was doing nothing different so I don't know why. Fiddling with settings and doing this and that made no difference. I uninstalled a couple of apps which were probably harmless, because uninstalling them also on my 4s, which has always had poor battery life, made little difference to that. Then came the 10.0.1 upgrade on the 5s and a return to good battery. I'm inclined to think that the upgrade did something, but I don't know what.
I'm sorry, this won't help you solve your problem, but you're not alone, and it may possibly be a software thing rather than battery.

I had enough of that phone and can't depend on Apple to solve it if they just keep telling me to restore the phone.

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