Argh, what happened to my battery life?!

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Nov 13, 2012
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Argh, my battery is totally stinking it up! When I first got the phone about a month ago, I was amazed at how great my battery was... it was lasting a day to a day and a half with light to moderate usage. Then... however, last week it stopped being great and went right to terrible. I'm getting maybe 4 to 5 hours even on standby only! I used to at least be able to leave it at night off the charger if it was fully charged and it'd maybe lose 1 to 2 percent overnight while not being used... was in my purse and not touched. But it doesn't even last thru the night on standby anymore... i wake up to a dead phone. And then during the day when I'm actually trying to use it, it's worse. I get maybe 2-3 hours using it lightly. I haven't changed any settings, etc.

Any thoughts? The only thing diff was that we traveled out West for the Thanksgiving week and the service out there was still 4G, but definitely spottier... but even now that i'm home, the battery life hasn't returned to normal...


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Jun 1, 2011
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Argh, my battery is totally stinking it up! When I first got the phone about a month ago, I was amazed at how great my battery was... it was lasting a day to a day and a half with light to moderate usage. Then... however, last week it stopped being great and went right to terrible. I'm getting maybe 4 to 5 hours even on standby only! I used to at least be able to leave it at night off the charger if it was fully charged and it'd maybe lose 1 to 2 percent overnight while not being used... was in my purse and not touched. But it doesn't even last thru the night on standby anymore... i wake up to a dead phone. And then during the day when I'm actually trying to use it, it's worse. I get maybe 2-3 hours using it lightly. I haven't changed any settings, etc.

Any thoughts? The only thing diff was that we traveled out West for the Thanksgiving week and the service out there was still 4G, but definitely spottier... but even now that i'm home, the battery life hasn't returned to normal...

Look at location services in system services make sure it's not looking for your location constantly ..

Also any new apps ?

Sent from my iPhone 5 from a galaxy far far away (in the USA ) using Tapatalk !


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Jul 8, 2011
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in addition to checking on what Pelligro suggested, i'll suggest for you to do a reset of the network settings. After your phone boots back up you'll have to just put in your router pw again.

Pink-a-licious 4S doin' the TapAtalk !!


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Nov 13, 2012
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Look at location services in system services make sure it's not looking for your location constantly ..

Also any new apps ?

Thanks for your response... I did check and the only app that had the arrow for location used recently was Facebook.. and that's nothing new or recent.. I had that before.... And I haven't gotten any new apps... although some have been updated.... it's just so frustrating, argh!

Sent from my iPhone 5 from a galaxy far far away (in the USA ) using Tapatalk !


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Nov 13, 2012
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in addition to checking on what Pelligro suggested, i'll suggest for you to do a reset of the network settings. After your phone boots back up you'll have to just put in your router pw again.

Pink-a-licious 4S doin' the TapAtalk !!

So delete my home wifi and then just reboot... or a soft reset and then add it again?


Trusted Member
Jul 8, 2011
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So delete my home wifi and then just reboot... or a soft reset and then add it again?

No, heres the menu path: go into settings/general/reset/reset network settings.

Once you tap on reset network settings your phone will cycle and reboot. Once it comes back up you'll have to go into the wifi menu and chose your network again, as well as putting in your pw if you have one.

Pink-a-licious 4S doin' the TapAtalk !!


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Nov 13, 2012
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No, heres the menu path: go into settings/general/reset/reset network settings.

Once you tap on reset network settings your phone will cycle and reboot. Once it comes back up you'll have to go into the wifi menu and chose your network again, as well as putting in your pw if you have one.

Pink-a-licious 4S doin' the TapAtalk !!

Great, thanks, i will try that!!!!


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Feb 28, 2012
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You may also want to check the brightness and wallpaper setting. For some reason my 4S went through a period of automatically adjusting to full brightness. Needless to say, my battery life plunged til I figured it out.


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Jul 21, 2009
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If after you try those things it's still stinking try this. The steps sound really long but once you start doing them it's not.

Make sure all your apps are up to date
Hook up to iTunes right click your iPhone and transfer purchases.
Do a sync then go into Settings/iCloud/iCloud Backup and perform a backup
Then in iTunes go to each tab except Apps and uncheck "sync ..." and apply
This will remove all the media (music, movies, podcasts, etc.) from your phone do a reboot
Do screen captures of your homescreens so you know what apps you have and then put your apps into jiggly mode
Remove all the apps except for apps that need a username/password to use it reboot
Connect to iTunes and click restore that will reload your OS once it reloads ignore the "Setup as new or restore in iTunes" unplug from the USB cable
Login to your phone setup and choose restore chooe the last backup and let it do it's thing
Once the restore is done all your media (music, podcasts, apps, etc.) will be back on the phone reboot

If you hook the phone up to iTunes all the tabs will still be unchecked because the media was restored from the iCloud backup
If you check them it will remove the media and sync through iTunes
If you want to keep everything synced through iTunes do it and put all the media back on
It's all up to your preference and what you use to manage your apps, music, etc.

I think over time when we download apps, download music, edit playlists from the device, etc. things get corrupted and doing this removes all the data and then puts back a clean version.


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Nov 13, 2012
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Well everybody, I really appreciate all your help, tips and ideas... unfortunately nothing helped. I even did a complete restore... I went with setting it up as new and didn't put any apps or music on it and the battery still died in 2 hours... ugh, I think I need to get it replaced... boooo! LOL.

I appreciate all your feedback though! :)


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Jun 1, 2011
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Well everybody, I really appreciate all your help, tips and ideas... unfortunately nothing helped. I even did a complete restore... I went with setting it up as new and didn't put any apps or music on it and the battery still died in 2 hours... ugh, I think I need to get it replaced... boooo! LOL.

I appreciate all your feedback though! :)

Ya if it has nothing on it and dead in 2 hours you def have a hardware problem

Sent from my iPhone 5 from a galaxy far far away (in the USA ) using Tapatalk !


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Nov 13, 2012
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Hi everybody, I wanted to let you know I got my replacement phone from Apple yesterday. I did restore to my old backup (before the restore) and all is well (cross your fingers) and back to normal. The battery so far is what I was experiencing before... woot woot! So thanks again for all your help, it was apparently a hardware issue. But I appreciate all your suggestions - I tried em all before calling Apple! :)


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Nov 13, 2012
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So I apparently spoke too soon :(

Yesterday my battery was fantastic, lasted 10 hours! Today... off the charger at 10, by 2, it was already at 47%! What the heck? I don't get it at all... and this is the replacement... The only thing I think it could be is the icloud sync. I read somewhere that some people were having problems with the iCloud back-ups draining battery... well what's strange is yesterday I had it on and it was fine... last night I put it on the charger, but the iCloud storage is full... so I got a pop-up error.. so maybe it keeps trying to read it? Even though it's only supposed to do it when it's plugged in?! I just don't get it... so I'm charging it up again now and I turned off iCloud back-up... we'll see. How weird!!!!


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Jan 22, 2011
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Apple has replaced my iPhone 5 2 times already. That's 3 phones in last month or so. I have done everything I know to do and all that Apple wanted me to do and I STILL have terrible battery. I'm doing very good to get 5 hours. Love the phone but this makes it very hard to use.


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2012
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Apple has replaced my iPhone 5 2 times already. That's 3 phones in last month or so. I have done everything I know to do and all that Apple wanted me to do and I STILL have terrible battery. I'm doing very good to get 5 hours. Love the phone but this makes it very hard to use.

wow, that's terrible! Is your only issue the battery life? What has Apple said about it?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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So I apparently spoke too soon :(

Yesterday my battery was fantastic, lasted 10 hours! Today... off the charger at 10, by 2, it was already at 47%! What the heck? I don't get it at all... and this is the replacement... The only thing I think it could be is the icloud sync. I read somewhere that some people were having problems with the iCloud back-ups draining battery... well what's strange is yesterday I had it on and it was fine... last night I put it on the charger, but the iCloud storage is full... so I got a pop-up error.. so maybe it keeps trying to read it? Even though it's only supposed to do it when it's plugged in?! I just don't get it... so I'm charging it up again now and I turned off iCloud back-up... we'll see. How weird!!!!
If your backup is too big for your storage no point in having it anyways ..
Your camera roll is most likely the reason it's so big .. Try
Transferring pics to a pc then go to iCloud settings delete the back up file freeing iCloud memory and force your phone to back up to iCloud

Should take care of the error

Or buy my iCloud space

If that don't fix your battery
I see this as your restore from back up file has a issue and I would restore and set phone up from new ..

Sent from my iPhone 5 from a galaxy far far away (in the USA ) using Tapatalk !


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Nov 13, 2012
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If your backup is too big for your storage no point in having it anyways ..
Your camera roll is most likely the reason it's so big .. Try
Transferring pics to a pc then go to iCloud settings delete the back up file freeing iCloud memory and force your phone to back up to iCloud

Should take care of the error

Or buy my iCloud space

If that don't fix your battery
I see this as your restore from back up file has a issue and I would restore and set phone up from new ..

Sent from my iPhone 5 from a galaxy far far away (in the USA ) using Tapatalk !

Well I went ahead and did a wipe of this phone and set it up as a brand new device..... I limited it to minimal apps to see if I can figure out what the problem is. I did not activate iCloud on it either... just to see what's going on... Aack... annoying because this is my 2nd iPhone 5... this is happening to the new replacement.. argh! It has to be an app... today it was getting warm and just felt like an app was constantly running... sort of like when you have a navigation app running for a while... so now it's charging and I'm crossing my fingers it works okay tomorrow... it's just so strange, yesterday it worked perfectly.... from Midnight to 10pm the next day and was only at 50% at that... and I had used and listened to music for at least 4 hours! And then I charged it last night and bam, today it sucked!!! And I hadn't changed anything from last night to today! I'm hoping it's an app... but if so, which one?! LOL


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Nov 13, 2012
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Also, anybody having issues with their phones getting warm while charging.... I never thought my other one had any issues (or even previously my iPhone 4)... but maybe it's because they've always been in a case and I wasn't noticing... and this one I don't have a case on yet... so maybe that's why I'm noticing?
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