It’s status quo. If you lived in an area where the sensor was unavailable yesterday, it continues to be unavailable today.I am assuming that this mess with the Apple blood oxygen sensor is stil in limbo? It would be nice if Apple would keep the customers informed.
Has Apple settled with Masimo in reference the latter's patent infringement claim?
I talked to Apple on Tuesday. you are correct the blood oxygen measurements are still not available on the new Apple Watches 10 and new Ultra 2.It’s status quo. If you lived in an area where the sensor was unavailable yesterday, it continues to be unavailable today.
The tech specs compare page is very useful for this.
The Canadian Apple Watch Series 9 has the sensor, as does the Series 10.
View attachment 134120
The USA Apple Watch Series 9 does not have the sensor, same for the Series 10.
View attachment 134121
I wonder if you did that if the Watch would detect your location and disable the function?Nope.
If I was in the US, I would just pick up an Apple Watch from Canada or somewhere in Europe.
I wonder if you did that if the Watch would detect your location and disable the function?