App Library, nice but . . .


Jun 2, 2011
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Exactly my thoughts as well. I also don't use shortcuts but I do like Siri. LOL

Boooooo Siri

Like @nikkisharif, I cannot STAND Siri, and refuse to use her. Actually, I cannot stand using any voice type app 'thingy'.

In other news, I was on Reddit (I know, I know), and someone told me about, and to be honest, there are quite a few decent 'Shortcuts'.
Currently in the process of testing a few that I might actually use...

There are definitely some nice things you can with Shortcuts, but for how I use my device it Shortcuts makes things a bit more inconvenient.

The folders used for many of my apps in the app library are not the same as I have on my homescreen. That makes it confusing. You don't use folders much, so it won't matter to you.

I used folders all the time & I get what you’re saying, but you can still use your folders. The App Library being there doesn’t mean you have to change anything about the way your home screen is setup. It’s just something additional that you can choose to use or not. Since I’m very minimalist with my setup, I decided having folders and the App Library was too much for me. I weighed the pros/cons & ended up choosing the App Library. For me, it keeps me from having a million screens & also from spending time organizing said screens. All this to say, I think Apple is just giving everyone options. I only used folders because I forced to use them, if I wanted some sort of organization to my phone. Now I have the option to not use them. I think it’s a win for everyone.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2020
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This right here; spot on...!?!

For me, it keeps me from having a million screens & also from spending time organizing said screens. All this to say, I think Apple is just giving everyone options. I only used folders because I forced to use them, if I wanted some sort of organization to my phone.


Oct 2, 2013
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Boooooo Siri

There are definitely some nice things you can with Shortcuts, but for how I use my device it Shortcuts makes things a bit more inconvenient.

I used folders all the time & I get what you’re saying, but you can still use your folders. The App Library being there doesn’t mean you have to change anything about the way your home screen is setup. It’s just something additional that you can choose to use or not. Since I’m very minimalist with my setup, I decided having folders and the App Library was too much for me. I weighed the pros/cons & ended up choosing the App Library. For me, it keeps me from having a million screens & also from spending time organizing said screens. All this to say, I think Apple is just giving everyone options. I only used folders because I forced to use them, if I wanted some sort of organization to my phone. Now I have the option to not use them. I think it’s a win for everyone.

Yeah, but nearly all my 236 apps are in folders on my main homescreen. So, I don't really have use for the app library.


Feb 20, 2014
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Muchas gracias for the prompt reply. I sort of expected that would be the answer, but it helps me from unnecessary tail chasing. I hope Apple gets the message that users like flexibility (not necessarily at the level of Android), and gives one the opportunity to gracefully say "no thanks" to stuff like the app library if it's not suitable for a particular person.

Oh believe me, Apple knows exactly what the people want. They also know what they want and what Apple stands for regarding choices and options.
I don’t see them changing anything about the App Library in the close future.


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Mar 29, 2013
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I love it.....I had multi pages of mixed apps and folders with Safari "Add to Home Screen" pages mixed in the folders, sorted by subject. It's been my norm to do a full 'left to right top to bottom' evaluation of when was there, what was needed, what had expired etc, yearly, usually after the annual iOS 'big update' had settled in. This year it was a treat to set up & use App library to do essentially what I'd done in a crude fashion. I did keep a few folders for a few of the Home Screen links but not nearly as many as in the past, eliminating 2 full pages. I use 2 small widgets, realizing that even as such, a widget of this size take 4 'App spaces' but hey - I'm down to one (only) home screen page. The sorting took a while ( about an hour) but I'm happy with the result totally IMG_3050.jpgView attachment 129375IMG_3052.jpg


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May 24, 2011
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I like the basic concept, which allows for "uninstalling" apps but send them to the library instead of firmly deleting them.

However, my instant wish for the app library:

  • let me rename the categories (don't like having to get into thinking mode when looking for an app..."where on earth could this app be....even can't remember its name correctly..."
  • this will then require to create another "general" library "folder", unchangeable, where all the apps that were removed from a home screen will go
  • this will then require to allow me for moving apps from such a general library folder to another folder of my choice.

But why make it so difficult?
Why not just offering a library where all apps show, and maybe even allow users to create whatever folders they like, within this library?
Oh - understood. This would look too Androidish.
(I have to stop always referring to Android or people will start accusing me of trolling. But believe me, I'm not. I'm a fully fledged Apple user who just wants to benefit from meaningful features that others have enjoyed since years. And which Apple seems to try to avoid under all circumstances).

2nd big app library enhancement request:

allow me to jump there, by just one gesture or button press, from everywhere. Having to scroll rightwards through countless screens is boring. I can't remember exactly....which platform has been allowing that since many years...???

Can't you use the double/triple tap to instantly switch to the App Drawer? If not, wouldn't it be an obvious thing for Apple to implement?


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Mar 29, 2013
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I agree that a provision to 'rename' the App library categories would be very nice. But I'll admit to going to the search box at the top, to bring up any I need instantly. But what has been done in iOS14 Is I'm sure only a foundation to be developed and expanded, and its off to a good start
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Apr 28, 2017
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I actually really like the App Library now. It took me a couple of days to understand the way to use it. I’ve spent my time organising apps into folders on my Home Screen and the next page, I don’t want to do it all again in the Library. I feel like why would I bother organising them in the Library as well, if I did I’ll just leave them on my main screens. I like being able to go thru my apps and think I’m not really using that now and just deleting it to the library and not thinking about it and if I need to find it I’ll just search it in the search bar. I had a ton of travel apps in a folder and since I’m not using them now and who know when I just put them all in the App Library and don’t have to think about it. It’s definitely a place I don’t want to spend the time personally organising, I’m happy with Apple and the developers organising it. If I’m using an app regularly I have that all organised for quick access on my Home Screen.
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Nov 4, 2017
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Can't you use the double/triple tap to instantly switch to the App Drawer? If not, wouldn't it be an obvious thing for Apple to implement?
No - I just checked.
Basically an idea worth discussing. However, I'm not overly happy with the current implementation on my SE 2020 (which I'll use until the new phones arrive): I set flashlight on double tap, and it does not really work reliably. sometimes I have to (double) tap 4 or 5 times until it does what's supposed to do. I hope this will work better with other/newer phones.


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Mar 29, 2013
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I actually really like the App Library now. It took me a couple of days to understand the way to use it. I’ve spent my time organising apps into folders on my Home Screen and the next page, I don’t want to do it all again in the Library. I feel like why would I bother organising them in the Library as well, if I did I’ll just leave them on my main screens. I like being about to go thru my apps and think I’m not really using that now and just deleting it to the library and not thinking about it and if I need to find it I’ll just search it in the search bar. I had a ton of travel apps in a folder and since I’m not using them now and who know when I just put them all in the App Library and don’t have to think about it. It’s definitely a place I don’t want to spend the time personally organising, I’m happy with Apple organising it. If I’m using an app regularly I have that all organised for quick access on my Home Screen.

Agree 100%. It's good now and will only get better both as it develops and as the user gets familiar with it.


Oct 2, 2013
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And now Apple has done all this work for you within the App Library....LOL

No, the folders in the app library are not how I would want mine. My folders work just fine. I can see how this is good for those who don't use folders, especially if they have so many apps it takes several screen pages. How many screen pages were you using? 15 or 20?


Mar 2, 2016
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OK, so this brings up a question for me, and I'm rather embarrassed to even ask. I have several folders. If I delete them, and the apps located in them, would they still show up in my App Library?


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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The App Library has indeed simplified things for me and has definitely grown on me. Two screens total on my iPhone. :)


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2017
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OK, so this brings up a question for me, and I'm rather embarrassed to even ask. I have several folders. If I delete them, and the apps located in them, would they still show up in my App Library?
you can choose - delete an app from phone, or send it to the app library only.

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