Amy's Froyo 2 (Universal) 1.0


May 18, 2010
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Amy?s Froyo 2 (Universal )
By Kooapps LLC
Average User Rating:

Size: 18.2mb
Version: 1.0
Price: FREE
iTunes Link: Amy's Froyo 2 for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Requires iOS 3.0 or later






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-- FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY to celebrate the launch of Amy?s Froyo 2!
-- In-app-purchases are 50% OFF for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!

There?s no better time to have a savory healthy dessert than right now. The sequel of the most popular froyo app, Amy?s Froyo 2 has more flavors and toppings than ever!

Choose from over 80 designer cups and spoons with over 70 of your favorite flavors and toppings to create your own custom-made virtual froyo. Discover the limitless possibilities of your imagination and impress your friends and family with your artwork by sharing your froyo.

Start by choosing the size of your yogurt, don?t worry, you?ll be able to eat as many of them as you would like so there?s no need to have to choose the large cup size. Next is the cup design. This will give your froyo its basic look and may influence your later picks. Some of the staff favorites are tropical breeze, fall delight, mid-winter night and Malibu so make sure you check these out.

Now it?s time to fill your cup with up to three flavors of your choice! For the best artistic result, take a moment and close your eyes. Imagine the taste of these flavors in your mouth, which one makes your mouth water?

This next part is one of my favorites and probably the most distinctive part of the entire design of your froyo. Pick from the range of toppings we have and decorate your froyo to your heart?s content. Take your time.

Last but not the least, you get to choose your spoon to eat your froyo with. Swipe the screen to have a taste of your own froyo. Yummm! After you?ve had enough of your froyo, make sure you think of your family and friends. You can send them your froyo via Email, Twitter, and Facebook. Give them a call and see what they think of your latest froyo taste.

80+ designer cups

York, Martinique, Montego, Quilt, Bermuda, Broadway, Bahama, Victoria, Mulholland, Chinchilla, Aruba, Madison, Lollipop, Cleveland, Poppy, St. Monica, Jodhpur, Caribbean, Macquarie, Dauphine, Manhattan, Orleans, Seattle, Malibu, a dip of summer, aquaholic, toxic summer, summersaults, tropical breeze, spastic, curious, scarce, peculiar, offbeat, cloud nine, pink-a-dots, bunny love, independence, fifty states, circle of nuts, fall delight, autumn potpourri, changing colors, autumn concierto and more...

70+ favorite flavors

Original, Vanilla, Pomegranate, Green Tea, Soy, Tangomonium, Coconut, Chocolate, Passion Fruit, Coffee, Melon, Cherry, Banana, Mango, Blueberry , cola, raspberry-lemonade, spumoni, cheese, peanut butter, choco fudge, dark choco, mudpie, milk choco, chocolate mousse, cranberry, avocado, almond, pavlova, spearmint, honey dew, dulce de leche, tiramisu and more?

95+ addicting toppings

Mochi, Ricecake, Strawberry, Kiwi, Mango, Raisins, Cinnamon, Leche Flan, Cheese, Caramel candy, Chocolate syrup, Strawberry syrup, Raspberry, Blueberry, Watermelon, Melon, Pineapple, Banana, Pears, Cherries, Coconut, Almonds, Peanuts, Walnuts, Pistachio, Brownies, Oreo cookies, Mint cookies, Graham crackers, Cheesecake,White Choco chips, Chocolate chips, Strawberry chips, M&M's, Marshmallows, Granola, Rice Krispies, Rainbow Sprinkles, Fruit loops, Gummy bears,Jelly beans, pie crust, caramel sauce, blackberries, butter cookies, choco flakes, grapefruit, apple sauce, sunflower seeds, corn chip, crushed melon, molasses, cashew, almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, oranges, peach, cap'n crunch, smores pcs, choco balls, truffles, apple, choco sprinkles, choco strands, chocolate mocha, cocoa powder, choco crispies, pomegranate seeds and more!

- Any questions or suggestions?
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Our Website: A M Y ' S F R O Y O

Please write us a review : ) We value your thoughts highly and appreciate all feedback. Thanks!


We are so glad you loved Amy's Froyo 2! We want you guys to know we appreciate it and it's not over because Amy has more in store for you. We are taking it to the next level and giving you the best dessert experience yet! So please continue supporting Amy and just download and share to your friends I'm sure they will love it too!
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