All the Reviews are 4 or 4.5 stars ? :(


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2006
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I'm glad to see all the reviews here. It has been very very helpful...but I just have one comment...

It seems all of the (or many of the) reviews have 4-4.5 stars. How come there are no 2 or 3 stars and few 5 stars. I wouldn't mind having a user selected star rating. Something like CNET does. They have an Editor rating and a User rating.

I'm not saying the editors are wrong, by any means, I'd just like to see other's opinions.

This all started with me messing around in GoodRec this am. I love that I can give positive or negative reviews on places, movies and such. And I love that I can see what others think and I can add my opinions to theirs.

Just a thought. Again, I can't stress it enough. I love the reviews and the reviewers they are helpful. I was just thinking of ways to get more opinions and ways to see more diversity. Every app or accessory is not a 4 or 4.5 star. Some are clearly better and some are clearly worse.

Thanks and keep up the good work.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I think the problem is the apps that are chosen for review look to have promise and usually do. Would be kind of a waste of time to review an app that looks like crap and then give it 1.5 stars :)


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2006
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I suppose all that makes sense. Thanks. This is a WONDERFUL Forum and site.. Thanks for the reviews that you do offer. They have been very helpful.

And I know you have listed the crAPPy apps too. One thing I heard while looking at a flower Variety Trial once was, "Please look at the really nice ones, but make sure you write down and remember the dead, dying, and ugly ones. Because you definitely don't want to plant those."

Thanks again. I love this place.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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I can't speak for others, but if I start to look at an app, and it absolutely sucks, I will generally just drop it - no review, no comments, or anything like that. For that matter if an app looks like crap when I am trying to figure out what to purchase, I will usually pass it by. Now farting app reviews for me. :)

The few times I will review a bad app are if I have been given a promo code and feel obligated to post a review, if I feel the app has a lot of potential and might improve with subsuquent updates, or if I feel the app might have a limited audience but still be useful to some people. Or if the review has been requested.

Looking over my past 20 reviews, 4 have three or fewer stars, 4 have three and a half stars, 6 have four stars, and 6 have 4 and a half or more stars.

I agree this tends to skew the results into seemingly favorable reviews, but truthfully if an app only deserves one or two stars, I usually have a hard time forcing myself to sit down and do a detailed analysis of it. :)

As for a lack of 5 stars - I only give 5 stars if I can't find anything wrong with the app (or something that is just a minor minor quibble) and the price isn't too high (IMO).

If there is an app you want reviewed, go ahead and put it on the request list. We are backlogged on it, but hopefully will eventually get to it.

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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BTW, of the 110 apps I have reviewed, I have my rating written down for 97 of them. Of these, I have given 44 a rating of less than four stars. :)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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I thought about creating some sort of CrApp list - apps that I downloaded to review, but they were just too bad or too pointless to bother with. But my concern is that I would, in effect, be giving them a review without actually reviewing them.

Maybe I will see if people want a list like that.
