A Windows Phone Fanboys Review of iOS 7 on the 5S


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Nov 12, 2012
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Open mockery does not a bias make. Past that opening he's pretty fair to Apple. He makes his opinion clear though, "I don't really like Apple and I don't care what you think." This is a good case of "they say... I say..." You can cover your eyes and not read it, that's your prerogative, but that reason alone doesn't invalidate the review.

On the other hand, OP, you're pretty charged. You could've kept a lot of snark to yourself instead of peppering every other sentence with "no innovation" and "Apple hipsters." At least you brought up some good points, like people flipping the phone when trying to use the scanner. I wonder how prevalent that will end up being.

I have to say, if you try to hold the phone only by the end to unlock it, you deserve to break it.

Doesn't mean it won't happen


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Jul 18, 2012
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. PDF support is basically non-existent(or has that changed?)

Adobe Reader has been available since early this year.

. Having an app list is ridiculous but I guess it works as WP8 doesn't have too many decent apps.

I dont think you have used a winsows phone lately, there are a lot of great apps. 6tag in my opinion is better than Instagram for IOS, there are a lot of other apps that have come to the platform.

The app list I find to he highly efficient. On my iPad I sometimes forget which folder I put an app in.

Honestly the UI gets even more stale than iOS as there is no backgrounds or anything, just solid color and live-tiles that are basically showing the same things all the time

I think that with ios7 it is a breath of fresh air. Live tiles in my opinion are always better than static icons. My live tiles show the latest news, weather, email( in large tile format)

Basically when Microsoft can do nothing except rail on the iPad not having a usb(when Microsoft touts cloud storage at that; completely hypocritical), a keyboard(which is simply untrue, you can get a keyboard for it if you want) and a frickin' kickstand? *LOL* It's absolutely mind-blowingly hilarious.

Now we are talking about Windows Rt/8, the surface can do a lot more than an iPad can do. For most people an iPad works perfect for them. The surface rt is perfect for high school and college students. It also has office built in which is required for some schools.

The first big update did nothing(well, it bricked my 920, does that count?).

Not sure which big update. There hasn't been any big updates.
The second update brought nothing.
the Nokia amber update hasn't been release yet for the At&t 920.

you say that iOS brings nothing new to the table, I have to only laugh.

did you actually read his review?

As for the OP, you shouldn't have expected a different response. Maybe just maybe from the moderators but they have a right to their own opinion as well. The moderatos on imore have been very helpful with me on the forums. In your review you started it off sounding like a troll, but if you actually read the rest it is very complimentary of IOS.

I personally like ios7. I hope they bring back list view in the calendar. I will most likely pick up an iPhone 5s in November when I make the switch to t-mobile.

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Jul 18, 2012
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Yeah, pretty funny. They made some valid points about the comments here outside of the isheep comment which is ridiculous. A lot more tame is all I would say.

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Oct 8, 2011
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Yeah, pretty funny. They made some valid points about the comments here outside of the isheep comment which is ridiculous. A lot more tame is all I would say.

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The comments here weren't in relation to the review/critiques per say but from the overall tone of the poster. If you sound like a troll , you'll most likely get treated as one.


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Sep 10, 2013
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But the same doesn't apply to your members/moderators?

To be fair, the Mobile Nations rule says calling anyone a troll is, in itself, a form of trolling. If you have a problem with a user, or even a moderator, I recommend using the reporting feature or getting in touch with a different mod/admin. Just don't expect them to be on your side, especially given the overall tone of the OP and your recent posts. However, it would be nice to have something resolved. I feel like a lot of this thread isn't representative of how users and moderators on iMore usually act, but if you really have a problem take it though an appropriate channel instead of grousing here. It won't help anyone and might spiral into a lock, warns, or even bans.


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Oct 8, 2011
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But the same doesn't apply to your members/moderators?

It applies to everyone. When you start out your review saying, " I like making a mockery of others online", you are introducing yourself as someone who takes pleasure in ridiculing people on the internet. That immediately tells us you don't respect the people your are trying to communicate with so I find it ironic that you take issue with how you have been treated here. I haven't spent a lot of time over in windows phone forums but I wouldn't expect a warm conversation if I greeted people there with such a comment and then proceeded to trash wiindows mobile just to say I I kind of like the new software. Thanks for sharing your view with us but remember, "Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy." (Sir Issac Newton)


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Nov 25, 2009
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There are two 5S locally being sold with cracked screens and I don't live in a particularly large or wealthy town. I'm worried about it becoming another case of, "You're holding it wrong."

I do make my disdain for Apple clear because each time they release anything they release it as though they're the first to do it and the less intelligent eat it up. I have to say, watching that Jobs movie last week likely didn't help.

"each time they release anything they release it as though they're the first to do it"
It's called marketing. ALL companies do this. What do you expect them to say? 'Here's our new device. It's okay I guess. We hope you buy one. Or not. Whatever'.

"and the less intelligent eat it up".
Here, you are basically stating that anyone who likes Apple products is stupid.
And by extension, you are far more intelligent than them.
This makes you seem not just a troll, but an arrogant troll.

You come here, talk down to everyone, try to impress people with your vast knowledge and experience, blah blah blah.

Do you see yourself as a WProphet, here to spread the word among the iHeathens?
Are you here to make yourself feel superior?
Or are you just here to stir up sh**?

Coming here and doing this is like grabbing the mike at an NAACP meeting and saying"I like some things about black people, but it's better being white".


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Nov 12, 2012
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Did everyone skip the part where I praised iOS for finally being something other than a launcher for apps and where I said they were headed in the right direction of a real OS or did you all just stop at the point where I called myself a Windows Phone fanboy? I like iOS 7, it's not replacing my Lumia any time soon because my phone is used as a camera probably more than a phone and I still do prefer a larger screen but the OS is finally good and I think they're making personal strides.


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Jul 18, 2012
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But the same doesn't apply to your members/moderators?

I think by continuing to reply about the way people treated you here including the moderator is just instigating others. Yes I do believe the moderator was out of line but it doesn't matter. I think there are others that have crossed the line in this thread more than you.

I felt that your post was funny and maybe only suited for WPCentral not more. I agree with one of the posters above that you shouldn't have expected a different response.

I highly suggest a moderator to close this thread

WPCentral Ambassador

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Sep 22, 2013
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You should learn more about your phone or read the thread. Siri was not made by Apple, I had it as an app on the 4 long before the 4s came into fruition. It was in the app store for quite some time. Not to mention that Android had one as well. That, and phones have had fingerprint sensors since at least 07/08 when I got my first one.

My bad...you see I dont know much about phones, all I know is it makes calls and sends texts...why would I want to know anymore.


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Sep 22, 2013
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Oh, you mean I can put more effort into modding my phone than using it because the OS itself as well as the manufacturer support isn't meeting the bar? Android in a nutshell.

That's if you want a 3D home screen...but the phone takes 3D pictures and videos straight out the box.

You dont need to root, you just install one app. As for the Optimus 3D it already has a ton of 3D in its interface....have no idea why I chose the EVO 3D over the Optimus 3D.

But ill let it die here, this is getting no where.


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Nov 25, 2009
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Did everyone skip the part where I praised iOS for finally being something other than a launcher for apps and where I said they were headed in the right direction of a real OS or did you all just stop at the point where I called myself a Windows Phone fanboy? I like iOS 7, it's not replacing my Lumia any time soon because my phone is used as a camera probably more than a phone and I still do prefer a larger screen but the OS is finally good and I think they're making personal strides.

What you call praise sounds like a backhanded compliment to me.

As someone intimated above, a little tact goes a long way.


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Nov 12, 2012
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What you call praise sounds like a backhanded compliment to me.

As someone intimated above, a little tact goes a long way.

And then it'd sound like every other half-baked review online. This is from someone who hates Apple and their garbage ideals saying that they actually like the new iPhone. Are you all too prideful to acknowledge the implications there?


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Nov 25, 2009
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And then it'd sound like every other half-baked review online. This is from someone who hates Apple and their garbage ideals saying that they actually like the new iPhone. Are you all too prideful to acknowledge the implications there?

Not sure what implications you're talking about, but I find you harshly judgemental, and I'm losing interest in this.


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Sep 10, 2013
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Not sure what implications you're talking about, but I find you harshly judgemental, and I'm losing interest in this.

The implication is that since he hates Apple so much but thinks the new iPhone and iOS 7 are good, then they must be legitimately good and not "fanboyism" or "bought reviews." The response is no one actually cares. I don't really know what you expected, z33dev33l. Pats on the head and everyone saying "Aw, good job, you liked Apple. That must've been so hard."? Or maybe you thought people would change their view of Apple or be snapped back to "reality"? I can't really say, but none of that is happening.


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Nov 25, 2009
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The implication is that since he hates Apple so much but thinks the new iPhone and iOS 7 are good, then they must be legitimately good and not "fanboyism" or "bought reviews." The response is no one actually cares. I don't really know what you expected, z33dev33l. Pats on the head and everyone saying "Aw, good job, you liked Apple. That must've been so hard."? Or maybe you thought people would change their view of Apple or be snapped back to "reality"? I can't really say, but none of that is happening.

Ahhh, thanks for clarifying that.

And then it'd sound like every other half-baked review online. This is from someone who hates Apple and their garbage ideals saying that they actually like the new iPhone. Are you all too prideful to acknowledge the implications there?

Glad you like it.


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May 26, 2013
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This is a typical and expected review from anyone outside the ecosystem.

Go over to crackberry and you have a bunch of delusionals who are in denial about their failed purchase as if their world still functions fine without any sense of buyer's remorse. It's just ridiculous when you see how jealous they are of other platforms. To make it worse, they post pep threads as to remind its users how their phones are better than iOS.

After 786 posts, I got tired of BlackBerry and crackberry and decided to take my privilege of posting for granted. There's no better time to be banned than when a company is becoming obsolete.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z10 <----- next best thing to toilet paper

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