When did iMore stop being an Apple site?


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Jul 21, 2014
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If iMore were to shutdown, we would all adjust and find a site that's similar, and you know it.

I just stumbled across this thread again and I really can't believe what I'm reading. I will just reply to this post, more or less at random.

I see that I'm accused of being a "shill" for the owners of this site of the advertising companies that pay for the upkeep of this site. I actually have no association with either. But I am aware that it costs money to run a website. I am aware that staff need to be paid. They deserve nice things too.

The post I quoted seems particularly callous. So to be clear, you would be happy for the staff at Mobile Nations to lose their jobs so you can avoid seeing ads on the site?

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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I just stumbled across this thread again and I really can't believe what I'm reading. I will just reply to this post, more or less at random.

I see that I'm accused of being a "shill" for the owners of this site of the advertising companies that pay for the upkeep of this site. I actually have no association with either. But I am aware that it costs money to run a website. I am aware that staff need to be paid. They deserve nice things too.

The post I quoted seems particularly callous. So to be clear, you would be happy for the staff at Mobile Nations to lose their jobs so you can avoid seeing ads on the site?
@Just_Me_D simply stated that it wouldn’t be the end of our tech forum days if the site were to ever shut down. To take that to mean he hopes the site does in fact shut down and that people—some of which he personally knows—lose their jobs and call him out for something he clearly didn’t say is unfair.
If you read further down he actually states that he wishes ads stayed in the blogs but were removed from the forums.
You’re taking the context of this thread way too seriously. Nobody hopes that the site shuts down. Nobody hopes that anybody loses their jobs. I think you’re just fishing for arguments and found a good spot to set your bait.
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Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I just stumbled across this thread again and I really can't believe what I'm reading. I will just reply to this post, more or less at random.

I see that I'm accused of being a "shill" for the owners of this site of the advertising companies that pay for the upkeep of this site. I actually have no association with either.
No one is accusing you of anything. Some of us are simply disagreeing with your reasoning in regard to ads and compensation.
But I am aware that it costs money to run a website. I am aware that staff need to be paid. They deserve nice things too.
. Yes, there is a cost to running iMore and there are several mechanisms in place for that to occur.

  • Allowing the displaying of ads on the site
  • Allowing the displaying of ads or the mention of sponsors via its YouTube channel & podcasts
  • iMore Store Sales, to name a few.
Have you not noticed that the editors and other staff members do a great deal of traveling, and always seem to get the newest products each and every year FIRST! They are NOT hurting for money! The mechanisms mentioned above are doing well for them.

The post I quoted seems particularly callous. So to be clear, you would be happy for the staff at Mobile Nations to lose their jobs so you can avoid seeing ads on the site?
That's not even worth replying to because you already know the answer to that question. Having said that, how many tech sites do you frequent? If more than one, why? If for whatever reason, iMore were to shut down, is it safe to assume that you would either spend more time at your other tech sites or find a substitution? If the answer is yes, and I believe it is, then is it not what I said in my reply that you quoted?


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Nov 24, 2011
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I just saw this post in the news area: "Should I Eat A Protein Bar Before I Work Out?" Wait...what?!

Couldn't believe it at first, but then realized it was inevitable given the slow degradation of this site. So then I thought about creating a thread on the topic but found this thread and see y'all have been at it for some time!

Anyway, how far can we expect an Apple-centric site to stray?! It's currently a far cry from the old days when I first switched from Mobile Nations' Palm site. I mean, they're now advertising food?!

The only person who is still around who has a comprehensive perspective on everything Apple is Rene (anyone else miss Peter, Serenity, and Ally etc.?). Some of the new people post good stuff, but there's so much fluff, it's annoying as heck. Where are the comprehensive product shootouts? Haven't seen one in ages.

Bottom line: iMore is a shadow of its former self. I blame Pokemon Go. :devil: :cool:

Oh, well, it's just a web site. Luckily, Apple News sends headlines from other Apple-centric sites...


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Nov 24, 2011
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....and now I see another post today, "Huawei P30 Pro vs iPhone XS – which should you buy?"

A controversial comparison, to say the least, but NO ability to comment and point out omissions that would provide much-needed prospective on the issue.

What's going on, iMore?!


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Jul 2, 2015
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....and now I see another post today, "Huawei P30 Pro vs iPhone XS – which should you buy?"

A controversial comparison, to say the least, but NO ability to comment and point out omissions that would provide much-needed prospective on the issue.

What's going on, iMore?!

I still enjoy the iMore forums, however, the blog side of things is pretty much a non-starter to me at this point. I’ve switched to other sites/blogs for more (imo) substantive Apple & mobile coverage.

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Bottom line: iMore is a shadow of its former self. I blame Pokemon Go. :devil: :cool:

Pokémon Go is literally when it started. I remember listening to iMore Show and Rene commenting on how he wrote an article about it just for fun and it got more traffic hits (i.e. ad revenue) than anything they’ve ever published. I knew right then that things were going to change. I also agree that the editorial staff used to be a lot better. Serenity was amazing but she left to work for Apple. Lory seems very cool and sweet on the iMore Show but she also seems clueless about lots of things a chief editor of an Apple blog should know.


Mar 2, 2016
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Pokémon Go is literally when it started. I remember listening to iMore Show and Rene commenting on how he wrote an article about it just for fun and it got more traffic hits (i.e. ad revenue) than anything they’ve ever published. I knew right then that things were going to change. I also agree that the editorial staff used to be a lot better. Serenity was amazing but she left to work for Apple. Lory seems very cool and sweet on the iMore Show but she also seems clueless about lots of things a chief editor of an Apple blog should know.

My thoughts exactly!


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Change can be difficult to accept at times, especially for those of us who’ve been around here for many many years. We found a site that provided the type of information we sought as well as a community of like-minded people who genuinely enjoyed communicating with each other.

Many members have come and gone and now there seems to be a new generation of people who appear to not be as dedicated to this community - lat least not to the same degree as those before them, but that’s just my personal opinion.

Still, I am a big fan of iMore and the people associated with it. It is still an Apple-centric site, but have grown to include things not typically associated with Apple.
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Oct 2, 2013
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It just seems like spam when I open the forum to the "unread" tab in TapaTalk, and get this:

If I want to see these posts from the blog site, I can go here in the subforums menu and click on it.

Odd how it was not a "necessary evil" before Pokémon and Thrifter.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2016
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It just seems like spam when I open the forum to the "unread" tab in TapaTalk, and get this:

If I want to see these posts from the blog site, I can go here in the subforums menu and click on it.

Odd how it was not a "necessary evil" before Pokémon and Thrifter.

I've said for a long time that post by imore should NOT appear under "unread". All it does is clog up my feed.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2016
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And how many Withings Move watch articles are currently floating around?

And women's running shoes? REALLY?????


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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Yes, I’ve been wondering if this site will have room for subscribers input soon, it’s rather a shame to have to weed out iMore content, after all we are all going to see all that stuff elsewhere anyway.


Well-known member
May 20, 2019
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Yes, I’ve been wondering if this site will have room for subscribers input soon, it’s rather a shame to have to weed out iMore content, after all we are all going to see all that stuff elsewhere anyway.

At least it’s not like BGR, where there are ads everywhere and all the articles are pro-Apple biased crappy clickbait.

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