iPad Recharging


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May 18, 2010
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My iPad says that it is not charging but then when I unsync it is charged more than it was before. It's really slow though. For example I plugged in with 62% and had it plugged in for around 2 hrs and when I unplugged it was at 88%. So it worked but was slow.


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Jun 21, 2010
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PC laptop USB plugs will not charge the iPad there are lots of articles on this out there, however my MBP seems to charge it just fine...but the PC usb slots dont put out enough juice to charge it.


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Sep 10, 2009
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Most computer USB ports will only charge the iPad when the iPad screen is off, you won't be able to tell it's charging because as soon as you turn the screen on it will say "NOT CHARGING" this charge method is also a lot slower then the wall plug that comes with the iPad. If you have an ASUS motherboard tho there is a small utility out there made by asus called ai charge. Should be able to google asus ai charge. It will boost voltage to any plugged in apple device so iphone will charge at same speed as wall and iPad will charge normally. It's a little slower then the iPad wall plug but not by much, from what I've seen only an extra 30 min for a full charge at most.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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Sucks juice like a mofo

It just needs alot of power, my MBP can't charge it I have the model before the Unibody models started. I heard newer computers can charge it. I do have two external drives and a whole whack of other USB things plugged in to my laptop so maybe one day I'll try to charge it plugged in solo and see what happens.