Recent content by NEO2126

  1. N

    Problems Syncing

    Definetly having trouble syncing on iTunes 12.0.1 My 6+ is running current iOS8. Looking at the content bar showing breakdown of storage for file type (audio, photos, apps, other) it currently shows "Other" as taking up most of the space. Looking on the phone under General Settings and Usage...
  2. N

    Waiting for iPhone 6/6+ pre-order pajama party!

    good thing I'm not that drunk.... yet
  3. N

    Waiting for iPhone 6/6+ pre-order pajama party!

    no one has ordered from Apple???
  4. N

    Waiting for iPhone 6/6+ pre-order pajama party!

    did anyone else miss the call on the baltimore ravens game?
  5. N

    Does Applecare + cover theft?

    home owners/renters insurance can cover electronic devices... i know from experience. my phone was stolen... deductible can be an issue, but remember you are doing replacement costs, and that can include fees etc that you man incur. The only question you need to look into is will it affect...
  6. N

    iPhone Stolen, what do you do?

    I guess I can only go by what ATT said.... no US carrier will work, if they wanna take the phone someplace else, whatever... chances are good they've wiped the phone anyway by now, all the passwords are changed and everything so, aside from what was on the phone, nothing is going to be...
  7. N

    iPhone Stolen, what do you do?

    According to ATT last night, they said the IMEI is blocked and the phone is not able to connect to ANY carrier, unless they manage to reprogram the IMEI.... I'm finding more questions yet than answers.. such as I changed all my iCloud passwords, but if the phone accesses WIFI are those changes...
  8. N

    iPhone Stolen, what do you do?

    Well some jerk decided to steal my phone Sunday... I'm just curious if any of you have had this happen, what did YOU do? I used find my iPhone app, locked it, went for a remote wipe, but they shut off the phone or disabled location services. I called ATT and got the phone fully disabled too so...
  9. N

    iCloud Email Not Pushing

    well after a length discussion at an apple store, it got passed to their "other help desk" who is now forwarding it to an "engineer".... i've gotten rid of the jailbreak, upgraded to 5.1.1... restored as a NEW phone, reloaded all my apps etc, and still no go... guess I'm stuck on fetch schedule...
  10. N

    iCloud Email Not Pushing

    there are something like 40 pages of discussions on apple forums about this, I'm trying to see if anyone here has had issues and resolved them in a permanent manner, no one on the other forums has really, it comes down to DNS servers and strange things like that, which have nothing really to...
  11. N

    iCloud Email Not Pushing

    See the photos for settings, this has worked before
  12. N

    iCloud Email Not Pushing

    mail toggle is on, push settings are all turned on...icloud push enabled everything.
  13. N

    iCloud Email Not Pushing

    Old topic, but This is happening again for me on my iPhone 4S. i get ZERO notifications of new emails, no badges nothing. I can sit on my computer, send them, watch them arrive in the iCloud email, but my phone never gets them. Anyone else having the issue STILL? anyone have a fix? My...
  14. N

    Not getting iCloud e-mails from @me email

    if you're using the mail program, there was a bug that you would have to fully quick the app, from the fast app switcher and everything and restart it to start receiving push emails again... don't' know if it was fixed on 5.1 because I haven't upgraded yet...