Recent content by mryan55

  1. M

    Optimized Battery charging

    Yes, all of that makes sense. Still getting used to it, I guess. I do suppose that on a 5W charger or an older wireless charger it has to leave a fairly wide berth to get the phone to 100% with some time to spare. Either way, good feature. Maybe it'll help the iPhone X battery stay alright for...
  2. M

    Optimized Battery charging

    Are you using a 5W charger or something of the 'fast charging' variety? I only seem to have optimized charging when using a 12W iPad charger or greater...
  3. M

    Where is Catalina? Oct. 4 "was" supposedly the date?

    Hopefully the last few bugs get worked out quickly... I'm ready to be wirelessly productivity with my iPad Pro and sidecar coupled to a MacBook Pro!
  4. M

    Optimized Battery charging

    Things have seemed to work as designed so far, but I am curious if anyone has also had this experience: when charging with an iPad charger or a bonafide USB-C quick charger the optimized battery charging works as intended when I plug in at night. However, for the last few nights I have been on...