Recent content by KarrieLyne

  1. KarrieLyne

    Quick question re: lock screen

    100% agree that this is new. I've ALWAYS gotten the notification pop up when on a call. Now all I get is the sound and the only way I can see it, is if I pull down the notification bar. I've tested this on ios9 and it worked fine. I know it's small, but it is aggravating none the less.
  2. KarrieLyne

    10pm Ordering Works :)

    Did you get it!!?? :)
  3. KarrieLyne

    10pm Ordering Works :)

    Yep! Just did this on Tuesday and picked up my shiny new iPhone 5 on Wednesday. Got my email about 8:30 the morning after I ordered! :) Congrats!
  4. KarrieLyne

    1O PM on-line orders

    I went on just before 10pm my local time (central) and put the phone I wanted in my cart. At 10pm I chose to pick up at the store and it showed available. Picked it up on Wednesday!! Worked like a charm. :) Per it is local is the scripting directly from Apple.. "For next...
  5. KarrieLyne

    Official counting down to iOS 6 forum party!

    Hahaha...maybe you can give out Angry Birds bras instead of T-shirts...heehee!
  6. KarrieLyne

    IntelliScreenX - THE Reason to Jailbreak iOS 5

    Indeed it is! Thanks for the tip! I just went ahead and followed the steps and so far it seems to be behaving much better!!! Pshew!! Thanks again!! I really wanted to love this app as much as the next and now I just might be able to! :D
  7. KarrieLyne

    IntelliScreenX - THE Reason to Jailbreak iOS 5

    So I purchased this a few days ago since there have been so many great things said about this. I love the features but it has made my phone SO sluggish! Especially if I am using it from the lock screen. I go to compose a quick compose message via ISX not biteSMS and I can type in a full sentence...
  8. KarrieLyne

    IntelliScreenX (beta) is out! get it kids!

    @Blink Hey, how does it work with a passcode? Do you have to enter in passcode before you can use it on the lock screen? Or does it bypass the passcode? Thx in advance!
  9. KarrieLyne

    iOS 5 (tethered) jailbreakers?

    I'm not sure if I count because this is the first time I've ever jailbroken my phone and now I can't imagine not having it jailbroken!! What a difference a few tweaks makes!! Granted, I can't wait for the unteathered so I can stop worrying about the reboot. :) I also saw the IntelliScreenX...
  10. KarrieLyne

    Jailbreak Noob - Please help for 3G 4.2.1 ! :)

    Problem solved. I found the right version for Redsn0w. :) In case anyone else needs it.... here is the link I followed that includes download links. How to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 with RedSn0w 0.9.6b4 | iPhoneHeat
  11. KarrieLyne

    Jailbreak Noob - Please help for 3G 4.2.1 ! :)

    That was the first thing I tried but unfortunately it does not support it and does't leave options on which hacks are current. Thanks for trying though! :)
  12. KarrieLyne

    Jailbreak Noob - Please help for 3G 4.2.1 ! :)

    I have an iPhone 4 which I was able to jailbreak using Redsn0w and the process was quite easy. However, my daughter has an iPhone 3G running 4.2.1 and wants her phone jailbroken as well. I've tried researching to find out what is the best way to do this and there are sooo many. I landed on...
  13. KarrieLyne

    Anybody's phones acting a little different/glitchy after ios5 update?

    The main thing I have noticed since the update is issue with Mail. Its crashed on me numerous times. I've went and deleted a bunch of emails and then turned my phone off. When I turned it back on, all of the ones I deleted were there. Not sure what's going on with this but it didn't happen...
  14. KarrieLyne

    Nephews interesting concept on the release of new iPhone's...

    Same here. Especially with the iOS 5 coming, the new device will have to be full of awesomesauce for me to upgrade because I just got the white iP a few months ago and I love it!
  15. KarrieLyne

    How OCD are you?

    My daughter makes fun of me for this but I do it with out even thinking... Fast food wrappers, like for a burger, I fold the top and bottom edges down about 1.5" twice and make sure it's nice and flat. Also with a can of soda, I have to turn the tab to the right. I am also on the TP...