Recent content by johnmoore13

  1. J

    Battery life of the 11 pro max vs XR

    Just got my promax and it lasts darn near twice as long than my xs max
  2. J

    Switching from XS Max to iPhone 11?

    Yep getting green 11 pro maxx
  3. J

    Wasn’t Going To Update, Now Can’t Wait

    11 pro max for new!
  4. J

    Best phone you ever had?

    The Palm Pre was my first smartphone and I loved it
  5. J

    Song titles - A to Z

    Florets - Grace Vanderwaal
  6. J

    How many have you jumped from the X to the XS Max?

    I did! Loved the x but missed the big screen! Can’t wait for the XI beast coming in at 7.5 inches! Lol
  7. J

    Which music service do you use, and why?

    I don’t use any music service! I just buy the music I want on iTunes!
  8. J

    What would you like to see in iOS 13?

    Ability to download updates when not on WiFi!
  9. J

    iPhone XS Max Display - Standard or Zoomed?

    Zoomed! I’m old
  10. J

    Notch Unsupporters

    I’ve had the X and now the XS Max and the notch has never bothered me
  11. J

    Should I get an iPhone or an Android?

    Apple! Google is evil
  12. J

    Series 3 battery drain.....

    I’m getting 2 days easily! Sleep tracker running and a few phone calls daily
  13. J

    How Much Are You Willing To Pay For A 6.5" iPhone "X Plus"?

    I’m getting the X plus! Don’t care how much it is, the higher the better, it makes it more exclusive!
  14. J

    New AirPods launching this week, I have some proof!

    I’ve been trying to get some air pods! Now I know why no one has them!
  15. J

    What’s your iOS wishlist?

    That I can use cellular to download updates! Limiting them to WiFi only is borderline communism!