Recent content by JAGWIRE


    Questions from a new user

    awesome thanks for the info. is there a way to find out who the original carrier of the phone was? other then finding the original owner and asking

    Questions from a new user

    this phone is for my Fiance, im very happy with my BB Z10. she is currently on Bell. i dont know the original carrier of the 3G though will sge be able to use iCloud and Apple TV with the 3G?

    Questions from a new user

    I just got an iPhone 3G for my fiance, she broke her old phone and wanted to get used to using an iPhone before her update at the end of the year. This means that I get a crash course in the phone and the world of Apple. I have never owned an Apple product before but being a techy i am familiar...

    Factory Settings

    if i were to set a 3G back to "factory settings" will that take way the fact that it is Jail Broken? or is it being Jail Broken the same as it being Unlocked and its always there.

    Can I update the iOS on my 3G?

    I just got my fiance a 3G iPhone. I was told it is jailbroken. I have never owned an Apple product before and have done very little research on it. seeing how she now has an Apple product so i need to learn this stuff LOL. so jail borken means that it will work on any carrier, correct? does...