Recent content by iPhone Girl

  1. I

    iPhone 4 Cases

    I'm pretty happy with iPhone socks. They look cute and don't scratch the phone. On dealextreme you can get them for a fraction of the original Apple price.
  2. I

    looking for an unique iPhone case?

    You can find a pretty big selection of unusually designed iPhone 4 cases in this article:
  3. I

    Newest member of the family

    Aww, such a cute little baby! Congrats!
  4. I

    iPhone 5

    Already iPhone 5? But iPhone 4 was just launched less than a year ago!
  5. I

    iPhone CrApp List

    Zombie Farm. I used to play this game all the time, but then it broke and was never fixed. Such a waste of time.
  6. I

    How do you pay for apps?

    Every time I hear a story like this, I want to remove my CC from iTunes... Still haven't done it, though. Too lazy.