Recent content by independentvolume

  1. independentvolume

    Who’s getting one?

    I honestly think this may be the death nail. Nothing new and hundreds more than the competition. There’s zero reason to get the iPhone 8 since it’s probably the smallest upgrade cycle I’ve seen from Apple in a long time.
  2. independentvolume

    Who’s getting one?

    The only thing new about this phone is animated emoji. I think I’ll pass.
  3. independentvolume

    Verizon Order Shipment Thread

    It's Lambeau. lol
  4. independentvolume

    Chances Verizon has a 7 Plus for walk-in?

    Or wait a month and then find in a store. I really never got the point of standing in line. Different strokes for different folks as they say.
  5. independentvolume

    What cases are you using on your iPhone 7 Plus?

    Re: Cases Anyone know of really stiff cases? My 6+ is slightly bent and I don't want a repeat.
  6. independentvolume

    iOS 10 is Available!

    Not for me. Rip
  7. independentvolume

    Verizon Order Shipment Thread

    Mine says 9-23 but I'm hopeful that my store will get the variant I want in on launch. The manager said he'd hold it for me if one shows. It pays to have connections.
  8. independentvolume

    I've used iPhone 7 Plus: AMA!

    What do you think of the new home button?
  9. independentvolume

    Isn't available until November

    I think you need to step back and analyze your life. If you are honestly stressing out over a phone perhaps it's time to look into some help.
  10. independentvolume

    iPhone 7 Plus Only --- Pre-Order thread

    Matte black 128+ will be in my possession by the sept 28th. Just got it ordered. Wooohooo
  11. independentvolume

    iPhone 7 Plus Only --- Pre-Order thread

    Re: iPhone 7 Plus Only --- Pre-Order waiting thread matte black 128. Called my buddy at the local Verizon store and he's got me covered.
  12. independentvolume

    iPhone 7 Plus Only --- Pre-Order thread

    Re: iPhone 7 Plus Only --- Pre-Order waiting thread I want to get the flat black one. Is the face on that black as well? Haven't seen full pics.
  13. independentvolume

    Who thinks the Apple TV is Junk?

    Re: Who thinks the Apple TV is Junk Does it matter? Returns are easy.
  14. independentvolume

    iPhone 6s Plus or iPhone 6 plus

    My advice is to go for it unless you got a 6+. I can't imagine having anything else as a phone. Since I'm more than happy with the 6+ I'll pass on the 6s+ and wait for the 7 goodness.
  15. independentvolume

    The new Apple TV looks promising

    This is an odd product. I'm not sure how well Apple TV has sold to this point but I'm sure it's getting blasted by roku and the fire up to this point. One can get a PS3 or Xbox 360 for the same price, or cheaper. Those boxes do gaming way better than this new Apple TV will and also have all...