Recent content by Gamieon

  1. G

    Implosion - demolisher in 3d

    This game is pretty fun; I can see a lot of potential for expansion and bigger sets of dynamite for more explosions!
  2. G

    Provide other payment channels than iTune accounts

    You should e-mail Apple developer support. I'm almost positive what you want to do circumvents their policy; they want direct control over all transactions that result in the user getting an app.
  3. G

    Minimum price for in-app purchases?

    I have a free app that lets you upgrade to the full version with a 99 cent in-app purchase. I don't remember ever seeing the option to do it for less than 99 cents. Like nadavhart says, pricing works in tiers.
  4. G

    Introduce Yourself Here

    Good morning! I'm a long-time software developer, but still relatively new to mobile development. Just here to see what others are playing and working on, get settled in and make some new friends. Cheers!