Recent content by Dominique Coppin

  1. Dominique Coppin

    What do people use for email?

    I have tried the email apps and I always go back to the stock email on my phone. All of my emails are all in one place.
  2. Dominique Coppin

    Fitness App similar to S-Health?

    The health app does track steps to include running and flights of stairs. Its automatically installed on your phone. You can get the Apple Watch to sync and track all of the other things.
  3. Dominique Coppin

    lastpass and touch ID question

    Most apps that I use allow me to use my touchID to sign in. I think it just depends on what app and if the developer allows the touchID to be used. The only current apps that I use that allow me to use touchID is my banking apps. When I purchase from the Apple Store I can use touchID. You should...
  4. Dominique Coppin

    No service since upgrade to 9.3, why?

    Re: No service since upgrade to 9.3 I had problems while in beta but none since installing the 9.3. I restart my device and it usually works well after that. Or you can put your device in airplane mode for one minute, so that the antenna can restart. When it says no service, are you moving (in...
  5. Dominique Coppin

    I did the latest update and now I am receiving my wife's messages all of a sudden. How can I fix this?

    Re: I did the latest update and now I am recieving my wife's messages all of a sudden. I highly recommend having your own Apple ID as well. Family sharing is awesome and easy to set up.
  6. Dominique Coppin

    Choosing your device

    I currently own the 6+, upgraded from the 5 and I must say that I don't think that I could ever go back to the smaller size phone. Yes, it sucks that some things like cellphone wallets and chargeable cases are hard to find but I will still always love this phone. I plan to upgrade to the 7 when...