Recent content by clsales

  1. C

    Productivity Apps

    Hi JackNaylorPE, You may want to check out DejaOffice, an integrated suite of contacts, calendar tasks and notes apps for iPhone and iPad. DejaOffice offers Palm-specific features such as private records (password protected) and color-coded categories. While it doesn't necessarily address any...
  2. C

    Iphone calendar and sync issues

    Hi Alli, thanks for the shout out! As you've discovered, Google Calendar Sync only supports Outlook 2003 and 2007. In addition, you can only sync between the default calendars on both sides. CompanionLink, while not free like Google Cal Sync, has a much more robust calendar sync between...
  3. C

    DejaOffice for iPad - advanced contacts, calendar, tasks and notes

    . DejaOffice, a mobile office application suite, is now available for iPad and iPhone, free in the App Store. It's designed for professionals who need quick access to manage their schedule, DejaOffice offers business-friendly contacts, calendar, tasks and notes for iPad and iPhone. DejaOffice...